Teachers Thriving Issue #2 | Page 12

Differentiating Self-Care to Help Teachers Find Balance of the Year

Ellen Ronalds Keene is the founder of Self-Care for Teachers and the host of the Teacher Wellbeing Podcast. A teacher turned entrepreneur; she is passionate about education, health & wellbeing, podcasts, and cafe breakfasts.

Ah, balance. Most of us seek it, few find it.

It seems that “balance”, “wellbeing” and “self-care” are all words that many people feel have somewhat lost their meaning these days. They are buzzwords and have become cliche.

Part of the problem, I believe, is that we are often sold this idea of “work-life balance” as a static goal.

We think to ourselves, “Once I achieve this mythical state of perfect balance, everything will be great.”

But, that’s not really how balance works.

I’ve been in the classroom again recently, but this time as a teacher’s assistant to my Exercise Physiologist husband Stuart, who is running Falls Prevention classes for older adults.