Register now for our 2016/2017 workshops
to take advantage of our early bird rates!
Our Workshops
Process: The Other Half of the Equation
in Concept-based Curriculum and Instruction
by Dr. Lois Lanning
September 30th – October 1st, 2016
Dubai, UAE
Assessing as a Way
to Inform Student Learning
by Tania Lattanzio
Building Communication and
Trust Towards a Powerful School
Culture by Mihai Catrinar
I write then I’m an author,
by Ali Ezzeddine
The role of innovation in our
by Andrea Muller
Using Music in Early Years and
Primary, How to integrate Music
in the Classroom
by Fernando Ramirez
Teaching Arabic for non-native
speakers by Ali Ezzeddine
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Relaxation and body expression,
by Lamya Jaber Kanso
Teaching Parents the Positive
Discipline Way, Become a Positive
Discipline Parent Educator
by Joy Marchese
Learning Environments
in the Early Years
by Anne van Dam
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Stories from School-Land
by Rola Souheil
Check out to know more about
our workshops in Egypt, Oman and Turkey.