Useful Reminders
Useful reminders for teachers
in the United Arab Emirates
attendance policies for members
of staff. However, it is important to
remember that according to the labour
laws of the UAE, if you are absent from
work without permission for a period
exceeding 15 days, your contract will
be automatically cancelled.
In some schools, men may be required
to wear suits, while others may only
require long sleeved shirts and ties.
Jeans are not acceptable in most
institutions. Remember, the United
Arab Emirates is a Muslim country.
Even though the UAE is quite liberal in
comparison to some of its neighbours,
modesty is still required of all residents
and visitors.
language, most people are fully
aware of the English swear words.
They should not be used in public
under any circumstances. Rude
gestures, especially when driving,
can lead to problems with the law or
even imprisonment. Be careful not to
wave your fist in anger, as this may be
interpreted as a threat.
Most schools and government bodies
do not tolerate frequent unauthorised
absences. Absences that form an
obvious pattern such as every Sunday
or Thursday. Such a pattern may also
lead to nonrenewal or even contract
cancellation. For absences exceeding
your allotted sick days, you may not be
paid. Please contact your respective
Human Resource Department for
more specific information.
Drugs and Alcohol
Loud Music, Events and
Social Media
The law is very clear on alcohol
consumption. If you wish to consume
alcohol in the UAE, you should apply
for an alcohol licence. Alcohol is
normally available in hotels and there
are specific shops where expats may
purchase alcohol. You may not always
be asked to show a licence but you are
strongly advised to have one.
Do not play your music loudly from
your cars or at home so that it disturbs
your neighbour. If you will be hosting
an event, please ensure that you
obtain the required municipal licence
to do so. If the event is in your home,
a licence is not needed, but please
inform your neighbours.
Dress Code
There is no drink limit in this country. If
you have even one drink, do not drive.
If you are stopped and tested and any
alcohol is found in your system, you
will be arrested.
Even though the dress code may vary
from school to school, there are some
basic requirements that hold for all.
No revealing, short or extremely tight
clothing should be worn. Teachers are
expected to dress professionally when
reporting for duty. Sleeveless and
low necklines are not allowed. Some
schools may require that skirts be
below the knee or even ankle length.
Blouses should have sleeves. Some
schools may stipulate sleeves