Teach To One, A New Classrooms Solution 1

Olga Hugelmeyer
Oscar Crespo , Jr .
Superintendent of Schools
Dear Parents ,
In our efforts to continue offering our school community a world class education that prepares for success in college , Robert Morris School No . 18 will be employing an innovative , personalized learning model called Teach to One : Math .
Teach to One : Math will help our teachers tailor instruction to the unique learning needs of each scholar at Robert Morris School No . 18 . Each day students will receive a customized schedule that indicates a specific mathematics skill they are ready to learn , the best way for them to learn it , and with which teacher and peers they will work with that day .
Teach To One : Math is a blended learning model developed by a nonprofit organization called New Classrooms . In Teach to One , students will explore math with teachers , collaborating with other scholars on projects , and working with high quality computer software . By meeting each child where they are , we expect our scholars to deepen their understanding and discover the beauty and power of mathematics .
Within this magazine , you find Frequently Asked Questions and the upcoming pages will address many of your questions regarding this amazing educational endeavor your students are going to be partaking in .
Thank You ! [ Principal ’ s Signature ]
Robert Morris School No . 18
860 Cross Avenue , Elizabeth , New Jersey 07208 ● Ph : 908.436.6000 ● Fax : 908.436.5987 Email : crespoos @ elizabeth . k12 . nj . us ● Website : www . epsnj . org