Teach Middle East Magazine | Page 8

Sharing Good Practice



As we approach the start of a new academic year , schools are getting ramped up to reopen and deliver their induction weeks , welcoming a brandnew batch of fresh teachers to the UAE and embracing returning teachers to their familiar classrooms .

As we plan for training on all subjects from school routines to cultural awareness , how many school leaders are accounting for our shadow teachers ( learning support assistants , classroom assistants )? Are we scheduling them for training and skills development ?
This critical army of support warriors is often overlooked , and so a vital resource is being neglected .
A recent study in the Journal of Inclusive Education ( 2020 ) investigates the role of the Shadow Teacher ( Learning Support Assistant ) in inclusive schools finding that ; if deployed well , the shadow teacher can positively impact students ' reading , writing , speaking , listening and peer to peer interactions . In short – they can be superstars !
The research outlined that , with the right training and skills development , the shadow teacher can support not only the student but the teacher .
This is supported by research from the Education Endowment Foundation in the UK , which analyses the cost , effectiveness and impact of a broad range of educational interventions .
They have found that small group teaching ( lead by a teacher or assistant ) along with collaborative learning can accelerate student attainment by up to 5 months per annum .
With an estimated 8,000 shadow teachers deployed across the UAE , there is a huge opportunity to develop this highly valuable battalion of support .
So , how can we prepare fully before schools open to harness the power of this key support in our classrooms ?
One of the first steps to take before our return to school is a clearly outlined job description and memorandum of understanding ( or service agreement where appropriate ). Does the school , the class teacher and , most importantly , the shadow teacher know precisely what their duties and expectations are ?
The Educational Journal outlines the importance of training and skills development for shadow teachers .
This should be clearly defined and shared with all stakeholders- parents , teachers and , where appropriate - the student .
The research further states that one of the greatest barriers to successful support from a shadow teacher is a lack of clarity around classroom practice and obligations . Communication between the shadow teacher , the class teacher , the student , the inclusion team and the family is key .
Does the shadow teacher fully understand the school schedule , their responsibilities and obligations in terms of duty of care ? Do they have the lesson plans for each week , and do they know how they can work with the teacher and student to deliver the lessons effectively ?
Setting aside 15 to 20 mins on a Thursday afternoon or Sunday morning to sit with your shadow teacher and go through the upcoming week ' s planning can have a profound effect on your teamwork . When the shadow teacher and the class teacher come together to set up the weeks delivery and to learn , they can clearly
08 Term 1 Sep - Dec 2021
Class Time