Teach Middle East Magazine | Page 49


A moment with young people are at the centre of it . In a report from September 2020 , the WHO state that “ one in six people who are battling a mental health illness are aged 10-19 years ”. By partnering with schools , we are helping them get their own wellbeing programs working better , providing them with tools and evidence-based wellbeing programs and helping them to monitor , manage and positively impact their student and staff wellbeing . We want to get Upstrive into every school and into the hands of every student . We understand that schools want to support their students ’ and staff wellbeing but often do not have the tools or means to do so , and Upstrive solves this problem .
Share two ways in which the work that you are currently doing with Upstrive positively impacts young people .
The first one is giving students a safe place to express themselves and equipping them with a range of skills and tools . Young people are not always well-equipped to deal with the myriad of challenges life brings them , but we are determined to change that through Upstrive . And young people today are often not comfortable sharing their feelings in person , but they are comfortable doing that in Upstrive . By helping young people understand themselves , their thoughts , feelings and emotions better , by providing them with ways to manage stress , worry and anxiety , we ’ re helping them navigate themselves , more confidently and equipping them with a range of skills , tips and tools , to help them look after their mental wellbeing better . We have already seen the powerful difference Upstrive can make in this area , and hear from teachers and school counsellors who are using the app , telling us how students are sharing their troubles , thoughts of low self-worth and self-esteem on the app . We ’ re continually getting positive feedback from students on how they love having a place to share and be heard , or to have that safe space to talk about what ’ s really on their minds instead of keeping it bottled up . It ’ s great to see Upstrive support young people in this way .
Another way that Upstrive is positively impacting young people is through the solutions module part of the app . This is another great feature we ’ re really proud of , because this is where students can find out more about real-life challenges and read or hear action steps they can take right there , and then help them overcome these challenges successfully . Within this feature , they also have access to other students ’ stories , on how they dealt with the same or a similar issue , what worked for them , and what didn ’ t work . We always feel better knowing that we ’ re not alone in the problem we ’ re facing , and our solutions module helps young people know that what they ’ re experiencing is common . These pieces are important because research tells us that young people want answers . They browse and scroll , searching for answers to questions on ; family , friendship , personal and school problems , but instead of having to sort through pages of text on a website to find something that could work for them , Upstrive gives them what they need at the touch of their fingertips . They love this module because they often tell us that they don ’ t like anyone telling them what to do , but rather selfstudy .
How can schools find out more about the Upstrive system ?
We see ourselves as a service provider , and keep a very personal relationship with each school . That ’ s why I personally speak to every school at the beginning of the journey . Schools can reach out to sven . m @ upstrivesystem . com or via our website www . upstrivesystem . com / education . We understand that each school is different and has different objectives . We , therefore , provide customized demos of the system . And it is our mission to provide each school with the solution that they need to reach the goals they have .
After the Bell Term 1 Sep - Dec 2021 49