Sharing Good Practice
• Informational Outreach : E-mail to student for Low Grade , Attendance Concerns , and Missing Work Flags with information on next steps to take .
Drastic GPA Decreases
• Support Meeting ( s ): Student meets with advisor to develop Academic Intervention Plan
• Bi-weekly workshops / trainings / meetings with support programs focusing on time management , organization and strategies to establish academic success .
• Continuous monitoring throughout semester .
• Coordinating midterm and final exams .
• Advising and priority registration for following semester
Point Value Intervention
Repeated Failures in Specific Course
• High Risk Flag raised for semester .
• Required First Week Meeting with advisor to address attendance , suitability of major , and course load options .
• Academic Intervention Plan developed to guide the student to establish goals which can be revisited throughout the semester .
• Weekly academic support sessions throughout semester according to AIP .
• Continuous monitoring throughout semester .
• Access arrangements for midterm and final exams .
• Advising and priority registration for following semester
Consistently Poor Academic Performance
• High Risk Flag raised for semester .
• Workshops with Specialist to develop IEP and to plan out semester
• Academic Intervention Plan developed to guide the student to establish goals which can be revisited throughout the semester .
• Weekly academic support sessions throughout semester according to AIP .
• Continuous monitoring throughout semester .
• Access arrangements for midterm and final exams .
• Advising and priority registration for following semester
Success in increasing retention and improving degree progression can be achieved by proper resource allocation to departments responsible for academic advising , diversity / inclusion initiatives , and accessibility services . By lowering the quantity of advisees , the quality of advising increases . Research shows at-risk students perceived advisors as uninvolved and busy with paperwork . They also felt that advisors should meet with students individually to inform them about potential educational opportunities ( Vega , Moore , & Miranda , 2015 ). aware of campus-wide support services , they are more likely to succeed with more intuitive academic advising . Quantitative and qualitative data shows that students report feeling less stressed and more confident with mentorship and an actionable study plan in place . Evidence indicates that college improves self-image , social maturity , interests , competence , and employment ( Ramist , 1981 ). Identifying and supporting at-risk students to ensure timely graduation is an act of social justice , as it increases access to education and financial equity .
Ramist , L . ( 1981 ). College Student Attrition and Retention . College Board Report No . 81 – 1 . College Board Publication , 1 – 41 . https :// eric . ed . gov /? id = ED200170
VEGA , D ., MOORE III , J . L ., & MIRANDA , A . H . ( 2015 ). In Their Own Words : Perceived Barriers to Achievement by African American and Latino High School Students . American Secondary Education , 43 ( 3 ), 36 – 59 .
The Perceptive Advising Approach is a communication and advising strategy which can be implemented on large scales in a variety of university models . Finally , although students may be
Rukiya Deetjen-Ruiz , teaching & learning research scholar , has 16 years experience in subject area teaching and instructional support . Most recently , Rukiya was awarded the BLACK EXCELLENCE MIDDLE EAST AWARD in the category of Educator . Motor-synchronization therapies to increase reading fluency and decrease the effects of dyslexia is her Doctoral dissertation focus .
44 Term 1 Sep - Dec 2021
Class Time