Teach Middle East Magazine | Page 40

these are described as ‘ process goals ’, or system inputs , which contribute to the achievement of two ‘ product ’ goals ( Figure 2 ).
The goals are then realised through the adoption of four system-level drivers for excellence ( Figure 3 ). Each of the drivers has its own components . For example , instilling learner agency means fostering learner self-efficacy , a growth mindset , persistence , resilience and a strong work ethic , the ability to make reasoned choices , metacognition and self-motivation . It is focused on encouraging students to take more responsibility for their own learning , both in and out of school , including the effective and safe use of smart education technologies .
The MoE plans to provide a series of web-based and evidence-informed guides for each driver and its components so that schools can translate theory into practice and reflect on the implications in their own contexts .
Figure 3 . Drivers for excellence
Figure 4 . Simple change process
40 Term 1 Sep - Dec 2021
Class Time