Featured School
The name GEMS Legacy School was chosen to carry forward the rich traditions on which this school was established , and also to honour the founding Headmistress , Ms Bernadette Pinto . Ms Pinto ’ s vision was to establish the Kindergarten Starters . They are carrying forward the legacy of this school and what it has stood for over the past three decades . It is often said that if we cannot trace our past , we cannot read our future correctly .
The school marches forward with the grand vision of being the preeminent intellectual and creative school in Dubai and beyond , where research and design , transform and
drive approaches to learning and teaching .
Embedding An Effective Digital Strategy
Gems Legacy School was a front runner in adopting a digital curriculum almost a decade ago , moving the school to adopt technology through a Bring Your Own Device Policy for all its students from Grades 2-6 . Kindergarten and Grade 1 students were provided devices in school to have handson access to devices . The intensive training that teachers received enabled a seamless transition to this model , with the school being recognised as a Microsoft Show Case School since 2016 . Each year the school has more than 150 Microsoft Innovative Expert Educators ( MIEEs ) in the school . Since April 2013 , the learning approach has evolved from conventional textbook learning to a blended e-learning approach . Online interactive learning platforms have extended learning beyond the physical boundaries of the textbook and classroom .
LEGO and STREAM were integrated within the curriculum in 2016 . Students engage in hands-on Robotics projects and are regular winners at the GEMS Innovation Challenge and the FIRST LEGO League , where they exhibit their
Class Time Term 1 Sep - Dec 2021 23