Teach Middle East Magazine | Page 20

Sharing Good Practice


they would have never imagined . The challenge is to create a learner-centred learning environment in which to design and implement meaningful , projectbased , reality-based opportunities for learners . As a result , they would develop intellectual skills and acquire content knowledge while seeing real meaning in what they do .

During my initial years of teaching , I very much enjoyed taking the learners of my grade 3 class on environmental education adventures , outdoors . I would rush ahead so I could see their faces as they approached the magnificent view of the place we were visiting outdoors . I watched their lit-up faces and cries of ' wow ' and the pure joy and amazement at the view . They were captivated by all that the natural world had to offer , and I learnt from these experiences that captivation leads to the desire for deeper understanding . Learners approach the world with a wideeyed sense of wonder , constructing meaning from every new experience . Maintaining that sense of wonder can be challenging . Therefore , it is the primary responsibility of every educator to create space in our classrooms and our day , for this wonder . We need to let them know that their questions are not only valued as important , but also have a place in our classrooms and school . Enhancing a learner ' s sense of wonder does not require a lot of effort , but doing less of what doesn ' t matter and more of what does . Quick , simple activities can make a big difference .

What can we do to cultivate a sense of wonder ?
We need to encourage all learners to ask questions and seek answers and to know that life is not always about having the right answers . Every learner in the class should be provided with opportunities for questioning . It is beneficial for the educator to talk about the connections between things to the learners . We all know that conversations with learners burst with questions . By building instruction around learners ' questions , we can create buy-in and excitement around learning . Let learners get a chance to test their ideas and provide evidence for why they did or did not work . It ' s important to not only allow learners a chance to ask their questions , but also give them a chance to find answers . Allowing learners a chance to ask questions , form theories , and test their ideas helps to build independent and engaged problem solvers . We can embrace curiosity by giving learners choices when designing their assignments and problem-solving approaches . But the most effective strategy of all may be modelling your own curiosity about the world . By thinking aloud about your wonderings , you can motivate learners to investigate the unknown and encourage lifelong learning .
Learners seem instinctively attuned to the wonders of nature . Learners learn best by interacting with things that are meaningful to them . When we are encouraged to pursue the things we love , we develop an investment and appreciation for our learning . As educators , part of our job is encouraging learners to follow their passion , and another part is helping learners find their passion . The most effective educators help develop learners who go curiously into the world around them , finding joy in places
Children ' s books are very powerful in developing a great source of wonder by stimulating creativity and imagination . Good books allow learners to suspend disbelief , explore new worlds and meet amazing characters . Choosing beautifully illustrated non-fiction books helps learners to discover the wonders of science , history , and nature . When you dive into high-quality children ' s fiction , it arouses the imagination and encourages deeper thinking , sparking your learner ' s intellectual curiosity .
We all mostly use the KWL chart for mapping students ' thinking by documenting what students already know about a topic being studied , what they wonder about , and later , what they have learned . This could be replaced by the OWL chart , which focuses on observe , wonder and learn . We can help students feel free enough to make guesses that they know aren ' t quite right . Through these guesses , students show how they are developing their own understanding .
If a learner is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder , he needs the companionship of an educator who can share it , rediscovering with him the joy , excitement , and mystery of the world we live in . During the first years of school , learners have an abundance of wonder or curiosity about anything and everything . I think most educators would agree that a sense of wonder is extremely valuable , if not essential because it motivates the desire to know more .
Remediana Dias is the author of the book —“ Understanding Dyslexia ”. She studied M . Sc in Specific Learning Difficulties at the University of Southampton , UK . She is the founder of the NGO — Vision Education Society in Goa . She was recognized as the Indian Achiever among the top 50 under 50 for the year 2020 for her work in the field of education .
20 Term 1 Sep - Dec 2021
Class Time