Teach Middle East Magazine Sep-Oct 2017 Issue 1 Volume 5 | Page 30

Sharing Good Practice PEER MENTORING AND MENTAL HEALTH IN MIDDLE EAST SCHOOLS. By Yvonne Richards T he mental health and wellbeing of pupils in schools is big news at the moment. Teachers regularly work with pupils presenting with mental health issues including; anxiety, depression, eating disorders, self-harming behaviours and panic attacks, with the key contributors identified as being family problems, exposure to violence and abuse, exam stress and social media - however rarely are teachers given training on how best to support these pupils. So, is this something that schools in the Middle East need to be concerned about? Put simply, yes. Poor mental health impacts on pupils’ ability to make friends and, perhaps of more concern to schools, leads to a lack of concentration in class or full participation. Longer term consequences, show increased risk behaviours, suicidal thoughts and substance misuse. We also know that, whilst less talked about, studies 28 | Sep - Oct 2017 | | indicate that around 16% of pupils in the Middle East are suffering from mental health issues, higher than the global average . Key actions, which schools should take to improve their pupils’ mental health and wellbeing include, raising awareness of the issues amongst, both staff and pupils and employing school-based counsellors (or links to external counselling). However, raising awareness of the issues goes hand-in- hand with the need to put support in place and many pupils do not want to talk to a school counsellor about the things that are troubling them. Peer mentoring is another string to add to your bow. It is a youth–focused solution to addressing low level mental health and wellbeing issues, giving young people the opportunity to talk to another young person and find solutions together. Class Time The young people being mentored (mentees) benefit from having access to non-judgmental, age-appropriate guidance and support. The peer mentors benefit from the opportunity to take on a role of responsibility, enhance their CV and contribute to their school community and schools ultimately reap the benefit of having pupils who are able to thrive. Peer mentoring programmes, nevertheless, require planning and support. • Peer mentors need to be recruited – selecting the most able or best behaved pupils isn’t always helpful, as those who have struggled and come through it, often have a lot to offer their peers. • Peer mentors need to be trained – in a range of communication skills, an understanding of boundaries and safeguarding (eg when do they need to share concerns with an