Sharing Good Practice
By Gianna Ulyatt
very essence, music promotes auditory
skills and an increased perception of
phonemes and language learning.
opportunities to listen to a wide
range of music, including, traditional,
classical and modern. Students can
be taught how to use instruments to
create atmosphere, sound effects and
moods in their role play. Areas need to
be designated for them to create their
own music, using various instruments
or materials that make sound. Songs
and rhythm can be used to consolidate,
with enjoyment, information that
needs to be learned off by heart, such
as counting backwards and forwards,
weekdays, months etc.
eveloping creativity is a very
worthwhile way of allowing
very young students to be
themselves and to think
‘outside the box’. By encouraging
creativity and imagination, teaching
promotes students’ ability to explore
and understand their world. It increases
their opportunities to develop new
ideas and make new connections. It can
have a strong impact on their sense of
well-being, because it allows students
to express their feelings and ideas
in a variety of personal ways. It offers
teachers many opportunities to assess
what students know and can do, in an
informal and often, very profound way.
Creativity can be promoted through
various media. Opportunities for art,
music, dance and role play are essential
and easy to plan. These activities are
generally very popular with students
because they allow them the freedom
to explore their thoughts and express
ideas as they engage in active learning.
The outcomes are extremely useful for
future planning, across all aspects of
the curriculum.
In art, students express their ideas
through painting, drawing, model
making, collage etc. Discussions
with students, about their work, are
essential to help teachers assess
students’ observation skills, sense of
colour, shape and the use of space.
Teachers should make sure that
there is a varied range of household
materials for students to use creatively,
as well as paint and materials for model
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Sep - Oct 2017
making. The work students produce,
helps identify how well they select
the appropriate materials for the work
intended. Checklist:
Role play offers students valuable
opportunities to develop positive
relationships with each other. Teachers
should set up simple scenarios at first
and support students as they act out
simple events. Once students become
familiar with the process, popular
stories can be used to influence
role play and students should be
encouraged to develop their own
ideas as they re-enact aspects of
stories. They should be supported to
use new language and to be free to
become someone or something else,
as they take on new roles. Creativity is
the essence of role play. • pictures or models to inspire
children - paint, glue, scissors,
dough/clay, junk materials and
simple dress up box - hats, scarves,
shawls, loose trousers etc
Through dance students develop
a strong sense of rhythm, spatial
awareness and positional discipline.
They learn to collaborate, non-verbally,
in group situations, exercise together,
and have fun as they move freely to
music. Simple resources, such as hoops
or ribbon tied to a small stick are useful
resources to begin dancing creatively. Interact sensitively, so students know
you value what they are doing.
experience absolute enjoyment. By its
Class Time
Have resources and equipment on
hand and easily accessible to students,
• role play areas – home corner – area
devised and created by the students
(hospital, shop, or an idea from a
story, etc)
• a range of musical instruments-
percussion or home –made
Allocate time to discuss with students,
helping them to clarify their creative
Note any learning observed by groups
or individuals.
Bernadette Duffy (2006) “Supporting
Creativity and Imagination in the Early
Years”. Craft, A. (2002) “Creativity and
Early Years Education”
Gianna has extensive experience as a teacher, principal, and inspector. She is a
consultant with expertise in KG and has spoken at conferences in Hong Kong,
Spain and the U.K. She sometimes works in the UAE. To connect with her, email
[email protected]