Teach Middle East Magazine Sep - Dec 2020 Issue 1 Volume 8 | Page 27
Sharing Good Practice
technological events have a relevant,
as well as powerful impact across
the globe. Every major and minor
incident has the potential to create a
global impact. Moreover, the media
has become a powerful and highly
informative tool for connecting the
societies; emotionally, mentally, and
even physically towards the challenges
of the world.
he world is no longer
divided by the boundaries
laid down on maps, as with
the evolving digital era and
technological advancements, the
coming generations are rapidly
progressing towards the realisation of
the concept of them all being a part
of a global community. This growing
global community is one that needs
to be nurtured with the right kind of
exposure to the variety of peculiarities
and traits that are inherent in different
communities across categorisations.
In this rapidly changing world, every
new day is unfolding a contemporary
and dynamic dimension of a better-
understood world. Children these days
are and need to further be exposed
to aspects of a society that transcend
barriers of language, gender, religion,
race, region, and culture. It is essential
more than ever before to provide
global perspectives to children in
order to broaden their horizons and
contribute towards defining a modern
world while building tolerance and
compassion towards it, internally and
“Child is the father of man.” said William
Wordsworth once and with the kind of
fast-paced learning environments that
our children are growing in these days,
they are going to become the very
definition of absolute globalisation in
the years to come. Education plays
a pivotal role in the grooming and
shaping of the children and preparing
them for their journey of life. We are
living in the most exciting times, as
technology is transforming the world in
unimaginable ways, and consequently,
education and the way it is imparted,
is also undergoing significant changes
every day. The traditional education
system is passé as this new age of
social media, travel, and technology
has grown to alter the very basic skill
sets required for becoming a true
competent citizen of this modern age.
To match this pace , every school
must identify and adopt the needed
transitions in their approach towards
education. The contribution of
education plays a significant role in
creating skilled and open mindsets,
and thus nurturing students who
have an understanding of the world
around them, and the world beyond
that, and the ongoing affairs of both.
The growing connection, participation
and involvement of the whole world
have created an atmosphere where
all the political, economic, social, and
In the approach to cultivating the
essence of global citizenship in
students, they ought to be exposed
to a state-of-the-art education system
which is less focussed solely on
theoretical textbook studies, and more
equipped to enhance the practical
involvement and understanding of
students towards the world around
them. These systems must consider
introducing the students to the global
community, their ways, and their
challenges. They should motivate
and promote the role of students in
projects related to global concerns. To
broaden the scope for students, the
schools need to devise comprehensive
students of different countries and
cultures; promote and facilitate
internships of students with artists,
institutions that are liberal and
inclusive in their ways of working;
sensitise students towards issues
concerning the global community and
environment like Peace, International
Understanding, Green initiatives, and
Global warming; introduce students to
economic factors which have a global
impact, for example, teach them how
the economic condition of a region
can have a positive or negative impact
on the whole world.
The approach to explore the real
world while discovering its vast variety
of values and beliefs is imperative as
it constructively helps the students to
get involved in the issues which society
is facing at different local, national
and global levels. This involvement
gives them an opportunity to make
a difference when they grow up, and
witness their potential and power to
make a change and influence the world
around them to make it a better place.
Mr. Ramesh Mudgal is the principal of Global Indian International School ( GIIS)
Dubai. He has over twenty years experience in teaching, administration, and
management of schools As the head of various K-12 international schools, he
has led large teams of academic and non-academic staff with excellence.