Recruit and retain talented teachers by offering
UK accredited leadership qualifications
TELLAL Institute is delighted to announce that
we will be working with Best Practice Network
to deliver the British Department for Education
(DfE) accredited leadership qualifications
National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are recognised
across the UK and globally as the gold standard in British
educational leadership CPD. They provide recognition of
leadership development and professional achievement.
The qualifications include:
• 3 face-to-face days hosted in Dubai by experienced
local leaders and education experts
• 3 online learning courses – Strategy & Improvement,
Teaching & Curriculum Excellence and Managing
Resources & Risk
NPQML is suitable for recently
appointed middle leaders or
anyone aspiring to middle
leadership, including:
• Key Stage leaders
• Curriculum leaders
• Subject leaders
NPQSL is suitable for recently
appointed senior leaders or
anyone aspiring to senior
leadership, including:
• Moderated online debate with peers and colleagues
• An assessed school improvement project whereby the
candidate seeks to a) reduce variation in student progress and
attainment and b) improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
teaching, either across a team or across a school
Furthermore, each candidate is assigned a personal online tutor to
assist with all aspects of the qualification.
TELLAL trains and develops teachers and school leaders in the GCC to an
international standard, meeting the growing global demand for quality learning
and decisive leadership in schools. Best Practice Network is one of the largest
NPQ providers in the United Kingdom and a pioneer of international NPQ delivery.
Connect with us
Contact Katie Hart on +971 (0) 4 403 5146 or [email protected]
Learn more at &
Heads of Dept
Deputy Headteachers
SEN Coordinators
Assistant Headteachers