Teach Middle East Magazine Nov-Dec 2018 Issue 2 Volume 6 | Page 38

Sharing Good Practice SUPPORTING STUDENTS DIAGNOSED WITH AUTISM BY DEBBIE HAMILTON BOGUES • Behaviour • Self-simulative: having repetitive movements , such as flapping their hands, spinning, head banging, rocking back and forth, or flicking their fingers • Playing with toys in a repetitive and unimaginative way, such as lining blocks up in order of size or colour, rather than using them to build something • Preferring to have a familiar routine and getting very upset if there are changes to this routine • Having a strong like or dislike of certain foods based on the texture or colour of the food as much as the taste C hildren as young as 4 years old are being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the numbers are now increasing rapidly. Autism is a developmental disorder which affects the way the brain works in processing information, communication, social, verbal and motor skills. ASD presents at varying levels of severity. For most children the condition becomes worse as they get older and it becomes a lifelong disorder. With the diagnosis of this disorder increasing, chances are you will have at least one child in your class with ASD. Arming yourself with sufficient knowledge on how to best help your students is very important. The characteristics of ASD vary widely and research states that there are more boys than girls who have been affected by this condition. • Frequent repetition of set words and phrases • Speech that sounds monotonous or flat very • Preferring to communicate using single words, despite being able to speak in sentences • Responding to others • Not responding to their name being called, despite having normal hearing • Rejecting cuddles initiated by a parent or carer • Reacting unusually negatively when asked to do something by someone else • Interactions • Not being aware of other people’s personal space, or being unusually intolerant of people entering their own personal space CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDENTS WITH ASD INCLUDING ASPERGER’S • Little interest in interacting with other people, including children of a similar age Signs of ASD in pre-school children • Not enjoying situations that most children of their age like, such as birthday parties Spoken language • Preferring to play alone, rather than asking others to play with them • Delayed speech development or not speaking at all • Rarely using gestures or facial expressions when communicating • Avoiding eye contact 36 | Nov - Dec 2018 | | Class Time • Unusual sensory interests – for example, children with ASD may sniff toys, objects or people inappropriately Signs and symptoms of ASD in school-age children Spoken language • Preferring to avoid using spoken language • Speech that sounds monotonous or flat very • Speaking in pre-learned phrases, rather than putting together individual words to form new sentences • Seeming to talk "at" people, rather than sharing a two-way conversation • Responding to others • Taking people’s speech literally and being unable to understand sarcasm, metaphors or figures of speech • Reacting unusually negatively when asked to do something by someone else • Not being aware of other people’s personal space, or being unusually intolerant of people entering their own personal space • Little interest in interacting with other people, including children of a similar age, or having few close friends, despite attempts to form friendships