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Students and teacher working collaboratively at RIS . Students and teacher working collaboratively at RIS .
Students involved in Design Technology classes at RIS . Students involved in science experiment at RIS .
the units of work . Student questions are often collected , displayed on ‘ Wonder Walls ’, revisited and discussed by teachers with their students at pivotal moments .
The Middle Years Programme ( MYP ) is based on conceptual understanding . It is not a programme that dispenses knowledge for students to consume , instead students are expected to inquire into topics that allow conceptual understandings to be gained . Thus students in Grade 7 at RIS are asked to examine the world ’ s population , as if it were a village of 100 people . The distribution of wealth , services and resources are examined through inquiry , using the list of UN Critical issues as a tool . Students then choose a developing country to learn about in depth and identify the critical issues that most impact its population and devise a plan to help the people of that country . The students present these at a symposium where an imagined UN delegate is attending , in order to award 1 million dollars to the solution of most merit . The students are actively inquiring about how to make our world a better place .
Developing the Independent Learner
In all of the units of inquiry in the
PYP , the school provides learning engagements that can be approached in multiple ways and require , original and creative responses . Over time this helps to develop independent thinkers with the confidence to follow their own lines of inquiry .
A culminating requirement of the MYP is the Personal Project in which every Grade 10 student must embark on an extended independent project of their choosing . This is an opportunity for students to explore an interest using a global context . Valuable skills of time management , organization , research , goal setting amongst others are learnt by the students . This project is done in
Girls football at RIS .
their own time with only a supervisor to guide their progress demonstrating independent self-driven learning .
Supporting the Reflective Learner .
Each student in the PYP , from EY1 to Grade 5 , keeps an E-Learning Journal , where ongoing learning can be posted in multiple formats photos , videos , audio recordings . Students are asked to reflect on selected pieces , identifying what was effective along with their next steps . Teachers and parents are also able to provide feedback within these E-Learning Journals .
Class Time | | Nov - Dec 2017 | 23