Personal development
It’s time for truth telling.
While matriculating within a western
“ university system, I discovered
craquelure within the “art” of
academia: Debt design. Academic
Carrot-Style Graduation
Gimmicks. Bait and Switch Books.
Bacchanal Behaviors.
Made up
Marketed Majors. Alternative Roads.
Attention Opportunities.
Achievement Drivers. And yes, at
times, racism was real. However, after
six years of undergraduate and post
graduate school, there were only three
life lessons learned that resonated,
proved impactful, everlasting, and
in my observant opinion, are the
archetypes that allow us to LIVE LIFE
and not fall victim to socialised hunger
and drives to achieve. They are:
1. ALWAYS Begin with the end in mind.
2. ALWAYS listen to your gut instincts,
regardless of how deeply vested
you are in time, relationships or
money. It is MORE than okay to
change directions.
3. ASK: Where am I going and why?
There are many reasons why we
become victims to our own drive and
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May - Jun 2019
ambition. Some of these reasons
are obvious and tangible; others may
be whispers hidden deep within. At
times, we don’t notice what causes us
to become so relentlessly compelled
to accomplish, that we do not enjoy
life. But the causes are there, hanging
heavy, an invisible shadow cascading,
and at times, careening into our souls.
The sedimentary, subtle, soul-erosion
voices whisper about what we should
do, where we should be, what we
should have, how we should look, who
should see us, know our names, and
the “right” events to attend. It can be
a tetchy thieving elixir of time.
Right now, if you are able, I want you to
grab a full, unopened bottle of drinking
water (preferably in a glass bottle (of
course, sadly, plastics are plentiful)).
Look closely at your bottle of water.
Note: This one (1) water bottle, born
pure, clean and distinctive represents
your life. It is the only aqueous solution
you will get and need.
Now, look at a caricature of yourself
with ambitious amblings frantically
shaking your bottle - your life. See the
weight of worry, past admonishments,
After The Bell
future demands and imaginary eyes
invading your intrinsic value like dye
dizzily discoloring your life’s purpose
-> To LIVE.
Invisible inflammatory holes form while
other indiscernible, noxious (nodal)
neighbors surround your mind and
your time.
The good news is that as long as you
are vertical and aspirating, you have an
august opportunity and super power
to redirect, redefine and ignite a new
definition of your life and destiny. You
can CHOOSE to enjoy LIVING to the
fullest with all of the challenges related
thereto. You do this by listening, by
being truthful, and having a serious
conversation with yourself about all
the things you have CHOSEN to define
You have an opportunity to really
experience the majesty and miracle
of life when you decide to write your
own script, observe and address any
pressure and lies that you tell yourself
(and those that others may have told
you during your youth). You get to
enjoy your presence and the beauty
it brings by consistently, lovingly and