Teach Middle East Magazine May-June 2019 Issue 5 Volume 6 | Page 22

Administrator's Corner SELECTING THE RIGHT TECHNOLOGY FOR YOUR SCHOOL BY MURAD SALMAN MIRZA The aforementioned equation is facilitated by the following questions that can be formulated in the form of a checklist to arrive at a comprehensive assessment for procuring the ‘needed’ technology to fulfill relevant goals/ objectives: T here is an increasing trend within schools to incorporate technology, especially, AI- enabled, that can provide a competitive edge and sustain the efficient running of operations without the ‘complexities’ of managing large workforces. However, such endeavors are often embroiled in controversy as the perilous allure of embracing technology, without conducting the necessary due-diligence on its optimal use, fuels distrust, discontent and divisiveness among the alienated educators. Such an impact is significantly felt either in a highly cohesive school culture, firmly bound by shared values that affirms a strong psychological contract or in a strongly divisive school environment that is genetically predisposed to viewing any management slogans of ‘progress’ with suspicion. Additionally, the sobering + WHAT IS REQUIRED reality of shrinking positions that can productively and profitably use ‘human’ talent is increasing workplace insecurity and incentivizing ‘career cannibalization’ of peers by ambitious professionals. This has led to the permeation of the adage of ‘survival of the fittest’ within the workplace, with a renewed ferocity. On the other hand, the dreaded prospect of running out of ideas/ options to overcome critical issues, is not a daunting challenge for progressive leaders, as long as there is a vibrant culture of innovation that facilitates and embraces viable solutions from all levels of the school. Consequently, it is imperative that prudent measures must be taken with respect to the acquisition of any ‘needed’ technology. The following simple equation can be used as an overarching principle for such an initiative: WHAT IS DESIRED Focused on Performance (KPIs)* Focused on Core Parameters (Functional Specifications) = WHAT REALLY MATTERS Focused on Results (KRAs)** *KPIs = Key Performance Indicators **KRAs = Key Result Areas 22 | May - Jun 2019 | | Class Time 1. Does this technology fulfill all the key aspects of desired functionality? 2. Are there cheaper options available with similar functionality? 3. Are there any key trade-offs in procuring this technology? 4. Does the price justify the procurement of such technology? 5. Is there a demo available to comprehensively assess the key features of this technology by simulating the unique needs/ expectations of the school? 6. Are there any innovations suggested by the workforce that can be implemented efficiently and effectively within the current resources without procuring the technology? 7. Are there any hidden costs in procuring this technology? 8. Is there a significant chance of negative reaction from the management/employees for procuring this technology? 9. Will it be easier to replace this technology with a better alternative in case things don’t work out according to expectations? 10. Can the organization selling this technology be trusted? 11. Are there sufficient and robust guarantees/warranties incorporated in the purchase agreement in case of functional failures? 12. Will any updates be available on complementary/discounted basis? 13. Is there a specified representative available for any assistance? 14. Will there be 24/7 access to customer service? 15. Is training on technology covered within the procurement contract and will it cover sufficient number of employees for effective application? 16. Is the training on this technology easily transferable? If not, will it require special facilities/venues/ physical presence?