Sharing Good Practice
How to modify lessons
for students with Dysgraphia
By Lisa Fátimah
ave you ever been the only
one without rhythm in a room
full of dancers? Were you the
cackling voice in a chorus?
If you were always the last one chosen
for an athletic team, or the one whose
brilliant brain computer could not
easily digest technological terms…
then you may, you just may understand
. . . Dysgraphia.
The word dysgraphia derives from the
Greek prefix, “dys” = impairment and
the suffix “graphia,”= writing symbols
by hand. At times, children with
dysgraphia may also have dyslexia.
Dysgraphia creates orthographic
coding and cognitive (working
memory) anxiety, illegible handwriting,
special lethargic dissonance from
script composition, poor spelling,
indiscriminate symbol formation; the
inability to differentiate between
right-left writing (English/Germanic
languages), left-right writing (Arabic/
Semitic languages), and output of
ideas on paper.
In order for teachers to create
success models, readily identify
students with dysgraphia, and to
proactively apply fair assessments,
modifications and lessons; educators
should first embrace an awareness
of this brain-based challenge and
26 | May - Jun 2016 |
create curriculum elasticity. It is also
important to remember that a child
who “hates to write,” may suffer from
literacy boredom, and not dysgraphia.
A licensed psychologist skilled in
learning disabilities should formally
diagnose Dysgraphia.
In the United States, the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA), describes Dysgraphia as a
specific learning disability. Illegible,
sloppy handwriting, an inability to
hold a writing tool with ease, being
extremely slow to copy assignments,
and frustration with taking ideas
from impulse to print are all signs of
someone with dysgraphia.
Writing is complex, particularly timed
assignments. Simple prose can
create great challenges for a child
with dysgraphia. To avoid mercurial
behavior and ease your student’s
angst, teachers and parents must
be patient. Avoid criticizing. Your
scholars will stand in their brilliance
when you create and apply an array of
appropriate lessons and assessments
that are geared to their ability, without
highlighting disability.
These absorbing assignments and
abounding assessments can also be
used for whole class instruction and/or
in learning centers. They need not be
an isolated model solely for student(s)
with dysgraphia.
Class Time
Remember, the Native American
theory of existence: "Everything on
the earth has a purpose, every disease
an herb to cure it, and every person a
I sincerely believe your scholars shall
teach you how to create lessons so
elastic that you will realize there is “no
need to try to bend the spoon.” And
together, you can reach great heights.
For “it is not the spoon that bends, it
is only yourself.” After all, “there is
no spoon,” only a lifetime of learning,
sharing and growing. !Qué Bueno!
Elastic language lessons,
modifications and
assessments may include:
• Out-door/environmental
aligned with your curriculum.
• Using
graphic organizers for notetaking with student’s name, date,
topic, teacher’s name, pertinent
information, etc. (Note:
students may find graphic organizers
• Creating interactive and TPR (Total
Physical Response) lessons and
• Providing typed copies of classroom
notes and/or guided answers.
• Using a personal computer or iPad
to take notes.