Sharing Good Practice
Common misconceptions
about Islam
By Rahima Jabeen
slamophobia is a fast growing
concept across the globe and
has been exasperated by recent
targeted attacks by a select
few. However, the very word Islam is
derived from the Arabic word ‘Salema’
which means peace or purity. Today’s
media portrays the acts of a very small
minority of people, but this in no way
portrays the image of the Muslims
as a whole, who on the most part are
peace loving and deeply conscientious
people. If you research the attacks
carried out by Islam related extremist
groups to other religious groups you
will realize that they hardly compromise
of a substantial fraction at all. Within
the UAE, if you speak to the Muslim
youth, your average students going
about their usual routines, you will
see that they will all conform to the
following notions:
1. My father respects my mother
and sisters:
A true Muslim
man respects his wife, sister and
daughter. He provides them a right
12 | May - Jun 2016 |
to education, a right to their personal
financial property and involves them
in the daily functioning of the family.
His wife is his confidante and vice
versa. The women are provided for,
protected and cared for by the men.
2. We have our own identity: Being
brought up in a Muslim household
entails that are deeply aware of the
practices; beliefs and norms just like
any other religion. Nuns have their
habits, the monks their loose robes
and in a similar fashion, women dress
modestly and cover with hijab when
going out. Men are also advised to
dress conservatively. The keeping
of the beard is also included in the
Muslim identity.
3. Islam is a very tolerant religion:
In older days a tax paid to by NonMuslims to Muslim governments
was paid for the protection of their
beliefs, places of worship, properties
and peace. Now this is no longer in
practice, but it still does not change
the perception that one should “live
and let live.”
Class Time
4. Islam teaches and emphasizes
the rights of the people around
me: From a very young age,
children in Muslim households are
taught the lifestyle of the Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him).
He stressed the importance of the
rights of everyone. Muslims should
emphasize respect and love for all
around them. Kids are taught the
extreme need for charity to the less
fortunate, going so far as to make
‘Zakat’ one of the five pillars of Islam,
which is giving of alms to the poor in
order to better distribute wealth in
Whereas there may be cultural
differences the world over, be it
language or customs, the roots of
Islam derive their essence from the
teachings of the Quran and the life of
the Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him) which is why Muslims hold
him in such high esteem.