Sharing Good Practice
The value of ‘Make and Take’
planning sessions
By Betina Fuentes
Graphic Organizers
Worksheet Potluck: In this activity,
every teacher brings two or three
copies of his/her favorite worksheets/
can choose ones that will fit their
curriculum and have some new ideas
and strategies to use with students.
Digital Classroom
Setting up the digital classroom:
Using the computer lab, have one or
two experts in the field (from your
school) train all the teachers step by
step in setting up and using digital
classrooms. Some options to try are
Edmodo, Wikispaces, and MS Office
Note. Be sure to have copies of school
calendars and access to photos and
assignments ready for this workshop.
t’s truly one of the great ironies
of our profession. Sitting idly in a
giant auditorium while a speaker
paces the stage emphasizing the
importance of engaging our students,.
Don’t be the sage on the stage during
your school PD sessions – lead by
example and engage the teachers
so that they will in turn engage their
students in their classroom. Here are
some ideas for activities to make and
take for teachers, as well as some
logistical hints to make your workshops
run smoothly.
Teaching sequence/advice
procedures/lesson planning
Origami: This ancient Japanese art is
the perfect way to show how lessons
and activities should be structured
and clearly instructed. It gives a chance
for teachers to be creative and have
fun while following either prewritten
instructions or writing the directions
after listening for details.
Teaching reading basics
Personalised flash cards: Use
your school culture and students to
create flash cards with letters, names,
numbers or sight words.
pictures printed ahead of time and a
laminator at the ready will enable all
teachers to leave with a set of new
personalised flash cards to use in
centers or for SEN/Gifted students.
Classroom outreach
Bulletin board workshop: Teachers
can come equipped with their
themes/unit ideas for the month or
term, and use the provided supplies
to create an engaging and creative
board for the outside of the classroom
to keep other students and teachers
informed of what’s happening in the
class. Administration can also sponsor
a contest for the most creative, funny
or beautiful boards.
As far as logistics go, you need to be
sure that you are fully prepared for the
workshops. Be sure you have enough
copies of materials needed, creative
supplies such as colored paper,
scissors, glue and the like, as well as
detailed instructions on how to do
the activity. In addition, the facilitator
should have a team of helpers who
have been previously trained on the
strategy so that they can assist teachers
one on one if necessary. Approach the
workshop positively. If there are some
who prefer to sit back and observe,
allow it after gently encouraging
participation. Always offer positive
feedback and have extra materials
available in case of mistakes. You may
even wish to foster a party atmosphere
and bring refreshments, since many
PD sessions are held after a long day
of teaching. Even a small snack like
juice and cookies is a welcome pickme-up and will encourage attendance.
Your teachers will gladly stay for PD if
you use these tips and engage them
in fun, productive activities. Don’t be
afraid to let your inner kindergartner
out and have fun!
Class Time
May - Jun 2016
| 9