Featured School
based subject (Design Technology,
Food Technology, Textiles, Music,
Drama, Art, or Information Technology,
Outdoor education is a big part of
the school’s curriculum. Emphasis is
placed on teaching children how to
understand their environment and
how to survive. The co-curricular
programme is mandatory for students
and includes a variety of activities
(Music academy, Football Academy,
Swimming Academy, Dance Academy,
etc.) all for them to choose from. As a
member of the Sharjah Association
of Private Schools, VISS students
participate in a number of sports based
competitions in Sharjah and Dubai.
The trophy wall at VISS showcases the
many sports accomplishments of the school.
Students work in groups while collaborating
on a project in the drama club.
Parental engagement in the school is
fostered by the Parent Association and
the provision of a number of activities
inclusive of swimming classes, zumba
classes, football matches between staff
and parents and technology sessions to
name a few.
“Our mission is to build a world-class
school, as such we are focusing on
building the school from the bottom
up, where our KG students join us early,
so they learn the culture of the school
and what is expected academically
and from a personal development
perspective,” Mr Pyrah concludes.
With an excellent education facility,
talented teachers and a space that
encourages students to take charge
of their own learning, the Victoria
International School of Sharjah is making
serious headway in accomplishing their
goal of being a world-class school.
The work that they do in mentoring
other educators via their mentoring
programme for Emirati teachers and
principals, in addition to the numerous
workshops that they provide for
educators, are clear indicators that
sharing good practice is not a mere
saying, it is what they actually do.
Principal Pyrah with student.
The library at the Primary section at VISS.
One of the many open spaces at VISS where students
can interact within the space and each other.
24 | Mar - Apr 2016 |
Class Time