Teach Middle East Magazine March-April 2016 Issue 4 Volume 3 | Page 23

Get the Mathletics AD ANTAGE love learning with Two major world universities agree: Mathletics delivers a proven advantage to students STUDY ONE: University of Oxford The study found that schools that made regular use of Mathletics did significantly better on a range of measures, compared to schools that did not use Mathletics. Regular use of Mathletics was defined as pupils completing 3 or more curriculum activities per week (equating to as little as 20 minutes). Where this level of usage was achieved, the study found: More pupils making at least 2 levels of progress between KS1 and KS2 More pupils achieving at least a level 4 in maths More pupils achieving at least a level 5 or 6 in maths compared to schools that did not use Mathletics. Proportion of pupils achieving at least 2 levels progress in KS2 Proportion of pupils making at least 2 levels progress (%) Mathletics is built upon ten years of educational research. The University of Oxford recently carried out a study of more than 13,000 schools in England to assess the impact of Mathletics on Key Stage 2 SATS results in maths. 94 93 92 3+ Mathletics activities per pupil per week 91 90 No Mathletics 89 88 87 2012 2013 2014 STUDY TWO: ACU, Sydney 9% Spending as little as 30mins/ week on curriculum activities, schools can gain a potential advantage of more than 9%. Students with longer-term usage (>2yrs) saw an even greater jump in NAPLAN results. ...There is a 100 percent likelihood that the schools who use Mathletics achieve higher results than schools that do not. Dr. Tony Stokes Australian Catholic University Learn more at: www.3plearning.com/mathleticsadvantage