Sharing Good Practice
Teaching science to students who are English Language learners , can be very daunting as they are required to learn via a yet-un-mastered language . If students lack the required literacy development in English , then they will more than likely encounter academic learning difficulties that will impede their participation and ultimately their learning , in science lessons . Students in such environments may exhibit fatigue and frustration resulting in lack of retention , rote learning , and reduced critical thinking . It has been proposed that such students often experience reduced academic attainment in science when compared to their English-speaking peers .
Some of the strategies that have been proposed to teach science to English language learners include small group activities , which would afford structured opportunities for developing English proficiency in the context of meaningful dialogue about scientific knowledge . Another recommendation is to incorporate active-learning approaches that are less dependent on the formal mastery of language and therefore reduces the linguistic burden on students . Infusing technology in these types of science classrooms has been shown to be quite useful in this regard and has been well documented by many . Generally , it is believed that the technology is able to :
• Increase student engagement .
• Enhance student understanding and competence .
• Stimulate critical and analytical reasoning .
• Provide prompt feedback
• Stimulate interest in learning science .
A few examples of the technology that I have used successfully include :
Simplemind ( https :// simplemind . eu ) to construct mind maps . Mapping has been shown to assist students in summarising their lessons whilst making connections between the main ideas , and in so doing guide their own learning . Mapping is also not dependent on the use of complex sentence structures and
would , therefore , be very effective for our language learners to grasp science specific jargons . Instructors may also encourage students to use Googledocs or Googleslides to collaborate on summarises of lessons or to complete projects . These applications facilitate collaboration , problem-solving and information sharing amongst peers , whether synchronously or asynchronously in a ubiquitous environment .
Kahoot ! ( https :// kahoot . it /) and Socrative ( https :// www . socrative . com /), are two applications which are able to administer formative assessments in a game-based approach , which incorporates colourful pictures and sounds but most importantly , facilitates giving students prompt feedback . It has been reported that using Socrative in higher education institutions , has generally resulted in an improvement in students ' learning and engagement and self-assessment of learning , when compared to traditional methods . Also , students are less likely to feel fatigued and frustrated whilst working on solving complex problems , when working together in a gaming environment , such as Kahoot !, as they would , during traditional chalk and talk settings . Padlet ( https :// padlet . com /) is also a useful application in formatively assessing students and giving feedback in science classes . The application may be considered as a digital sheet of paper on which students and instructors can collaborate with their projects , give opinions , answer questions , take notes , collect feedback or have discussions .
The use of technology in a systematic manner is sure to be an added benefit to our current crop of students , who can be considered to be true digital natives . In all of the above examples , my students were seen to spend increased time on task and were generally more actively engaged during the lessons . Using a game-based approach to formative assessments was very well received as the environment was non-threatening and relaxing . The technology affords quicker and easier access to information , anywhere anytime collaborations , increased engagement and participation and most importantly prompt feedback from the instructors . An article in The National newspaper reported that " Many pupils have ' little intention ' of pursuing science or technology career "; using the technology may just be a way of enhancing students ' scientific literacy , which may result in getting them becoming motivated in wanting to choose a science career pathway .
Kenesha Wilson ( Ph . D ., FHEA ) is an Assistant Professor and Chair of the Interdisciplinary Studies Department in the University College at Zayed University in Abu Dhabi , where she teaches General Education science courses . Dr . Wilson has approximately 15 years of experience in higher education , having previously taught and coordinated various Chemistry courses in Jamaica .
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