Expat Teacher
How do you know when it ’ s time to repatriate ?
By Suzanne Berg
So , you ’ ve been teaching abroad for a few years . Maybe you ’ ve even enjoyed the benefits and lifestyle change enough to extend your contract beyond its initial period . At some point , however , most of us wrestle with the decision to remain in our host country for another year or pack it in to either explore new horizons or repatriate . However , what drives us to take that final step ? For many , the question isn ’ t “ AM I going to go home ?” but rather , “ WHEN am I going home ?”
Reasons to repatriate may include the following :
The shine has worn off the apple
When you first arrive in your host country , absolutely everything is mesmerizing , including the way people dress , speak , and act . For me , it wasn ’ t only the glitz and glamour of living in a wealthy , gold-laden metropolis , but the newness that was associated with it . I photographed myself next to gold-dispensing ATMs and luxury cars that cost more than my house . Even the more mundane sights , like familiar fast food logos , made my eyes pop because of the unfamiliar Arabic writing . Learning conversational phrases , the national
anthem , and how to communicate with people speaking every imaginable version of English provided laughable challenges . But after awhile , fewer aspects of the culture and environment were entrancing or jaw-dropping . When expat life begins to lose its luster , it could be a sign that it ’ s time to move on .
The pay may be alluring at first , especially if it ’ s tax-free . However , after living in your host country for a few years , the cost of living inevitably rises . Utilities , monthly car rental fees , and recreational activities can be costly . Additionally , your growing children may eventually need to be enrolled in a private school . If you find that your expenses have risen over time , but you ’ re still earning the same salary as several years ago , it may be time to think about heading home .
For a lot of expats , recreational travel is high on the list . When you ’ ve visited perhaps twenty different countries , you may start to re-think your motives . Although the opportunity to “ see the world ” is one of the biggest perks of teaching abroad , at some point , you may want to just make one huge check mark on your bucket list and call it a day . Asia , Africa , Europe - check , check , and check .
Family matters
Many young families are fortunate to move abroad as an intact unit . However , older teens ( or aging parents ) do not qualify as dependents and are therefore unable to accompany you on your extended field trip . So while their lives are moving forward in your home country , you ’ re a full day ’ s travel away and unable to attend celebrations or tend to family emergencies . This can wear on an expat over time and tip the scales in favor of moving home .
Financial goals reached
Why did you decide to teach abroad in the first place ? Did your debts need to be paid ? You wanted to make a down payment on a home ? For many , the thought of reaching financial goals was paramount in making the decision to move abroad . Once reached , the lure of home looms overhead .
The bottom line is this - enjoy your time abroad . Many people may move from one country to the next , but most people will eventually return to their place of origin . When there are more reasons to go home than to stay , it ’ s time to close an exciting chapter in life and embrace a new one .