How happy is your school ?
By Neil Bunting
Sharing Good Practice
What can we do to make our schools happier places ? Is having a happy school really important ?
Much has been written recently about the overload of exams at a young age , too much homework and the impact on students .
As a result of this on-going and important debate , some schools have sought to find creative ways to make the learning experience more enjoyable for students . The challenge for many is linked to maintaining an outstanding school , while ensuring that students and staff are happy .
So what are the ingredients for a great or outstanding school ?
For me , they are nothing to do with numbers .
As a parent , I want my children to be happy in school . That is paramount for me . If children are happy at school , the rest will follow , naturally , in its own good time .
The things that are truly important in education are happiness and experiences . As Albert Einstein puts
it , “ The only source of knowledge is experience .”
At my school , we constantly look to diversify our students ’ experiences in innovative ways . We have a mindfulness room , where students and staff can practice yoga . Our teachers lead by example , by practising a great range of challenging sports . In addition to this , simple activities such as teaching outside when the weather is good can make a difference . You don ’ t have to teach your children to ski to exhilarate them , even though we do that at Ski Dubai .
What can schools do ?
• Facilitate as many ways as possible to differentiate experience . Through experimentation children will find experiences that make them happy .
• Work hard on re-cultivating the art of conversation . Encourage ‘ old fashioned ’ family activities like playing board games , picnics , taking a walk and eating meals together . This creates and improves a sense of family and creates greater contact and happiness among people .
• With respect to the classroom , teachers can set aside days to eat a meal with the students , take the class for a nature walk . Other activities that can be done together could include , creating a garden inside the classroom , playing music , singing to your children , or reading them poetry or a funny story .
All of these are obvious tried and proven activities that promote wellbeing . The question is do we use them often enough , or are we just in a mad race to cover a crowded curriculum ?
When was the last time you broke away from what you are supposed to be teaching – even just for a few minutes to share a story about yourself ?
If you have been successful in making your school a happier place … that ’ s great . However , if you haven ’ t and this article is making you question yourself , then perhaps it ’ s time to act . Try it out . I am sure you will see a difference .
Also , please share the different activities or strategies that you have implemented that have contributed to your school being a happier place for everyone . We can all learn from each other .
Class Time
| | Mar - Apr 2017 |