Teach Middle East Magazine Mar-Apr 2017 Issue 4 Volume 4 | Page 17

Session topics and aims

Session 1 : Understanding special educational needs
To explore the meaning of special educational needs ( SEN ). To examine the impact of SEN on learning . To become aware of the barriers to learning for students with SEN . To reflect on the role of the teacher working with students with SEN .
Session 2 : Creating an inclusive learning environment
To understand and evaluate the inclusive learning environment . To explore some key approaches to accommodating the needs of learners with SEN . To review the way assistive technology can help learners with SEN .
Session 3 : Planning and collaboration
To reflect on the importance of planning , provision , and collaboration . To explore approaches to planning and provision for students with SEN . To review ways of collaborating with parents / carers . To consider the use of peer mentoring , peer education , and teaching assistants .
Session 4 : Types of SEN
To understand the characteristics of different types of special educational needs ( SEN ). To explore the impact of each type of SEN on learning . To investigate practical ways of supporting and motivating learners with different types of SEN .
Session 5 : Inclusive assessment
To find out about the challenges of formative assessment for students with SEN . To consider how the needs of students with SEN can be accommodated in summative assessment . To explore practical approaches to formative assessment for students with SEN , including assistive technology . To investigate ways of setting targets and giving effective feedback . To learn how to evaluate and adapt coursebook tests to make them more suitable for students with SEN .
Session 6 : Adapting materials for students with SEN
To learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching materials for students with SEN . To explore different ways of adapting teaching materials to make them more suitable for students with SEN . To develop skills in adapting teaching strategies for students with SEN .

Key facts

Self-study or in a class with a moderator
Study at your chosen pace , time and place
Completion certified by Oxford University Department for Continuing Education
Online professional development
Developed by Oxford University Press
12-month access to learning materials
Ideas online today . Inspiration for class tomorrow .
Communication , chats and discussions
Mapped onto EAQUALS Framework for Language Teacher Training and Development
30 hours www . oup . com / elt / oxfordteachersacademy