Teach Middle East Magazine Mar-Apr 2017 Issue 4 Volume 4 | Page 12

Sharing Good Practice

Why every teacher should start a classroom blog

By Betina Fuentes

It seems like every time we turn around lately , there is another piece of useful educational technology pushing its way into the classroom . A great , but often overlooked online platform is that of the classroom blog . Class blogs have been around for years . They benefit teachers , students , and parents alike .

What are some of the good things about having a classroom blog ?
It improves communication , reflection , engagement , and breaks down barriers between the school and home . It gives students a platform to discuss topics and share ideas . There is a plethora of free sites available to use . There is no longer any excuse to procrastinate on starting your own class blog .
Below is some practical advice :
• Use your blog on a regular basis . If you do updates once or twice a week on the same day , your students and followers will know when fresh subjects are live and will tend to contribute more .
• Outline a list of blog topics that interest you or are related to your current curriculum . That way , if you get writer ’ s block and can ’ t think
of an idea , you have a group of subjects that are ready to go .
• Be sure you control who adds what to your blog . Don ’ t let yourself get in hot water over what a student or member of the public writes on your page . Privacy settings can be used to require preapproval of any posts . The notifications can get overwhelming at times , but it ’ s better to be cautious .
How can teachers benefit from a blog ?
A blog encourages you to share what ’ s happening in your classroom . We so often operate in a vacuum , not getting reinforcement or suggestions from others , due to the fact that everyone is too busy to see each others ’ classrooms . A blog is also an opportunity to reflect on lessons that went well , as well as those that needed more preparation . Inviting your students to comment on what they learned , or answer questions about the subject matter covered , provides evidence of higher-level thinking and technological involvement . You can scan other teaching blogs for inspiration and ideas . You could break it down by subject or grade level , and include pictures and documents ( common sense : no students ’ faces in this region without permission !).
How do students benefit ?
Students enjoy classroom blogs because it gives them an opportunity to discuss topics outside of the classroom . Many students will want to share the photos and ideas with family members , which in turn will encourage parents and guardians to become more involved as well . When the classroom becomes open , the sense of collaboration and cooperation expands beyond the school building to students ’ homes . Administration also appreciate classroom blogs because it shows a level of extension outside the school .
Start small . Use your blog to showcase your favorite lessons , websites , resources or teaching aids . Remember to always use prudence when posting , and never write anything that you wouldn ’ t want your principal to read . In this age of increased Internet presence , make yours a positive one that inspires not only your students , but also other teachers across the world . You never know who will be reading .
Use these tips to ensure a responsible and productive classroom blog . Happy posting !
10 | Mar - Apr 2017 | | Class Time