Teach Middle East Magazine June 2014 Issue 2 Vol. 1 | Page 33

Taste It - Share It REFRESH AND REVITALIZE WITH INFUSED WATER By Richie Chin I t’s the final trimester of the year and with this comes the unrelenting summer heat. A great solution for coping with this is to ensure that we remain amply hydrated throughout the day. Dehydration, besides making us thirsty, can result in feelings of tiredness, headaches, dizziness, constipation and dry skin. Normally, it is suggested that we have eight glasses of water every day. The desert heat, however, necessitates going beyond what is suggested. When living in places with extremely high temperatures or even colder climates, adding a few extra glasses to the recommended number would not go amiss. This may be a challenge for some persons, especially those who find the taste of water too bland or boring, and can lead to them consuming artificiallyflavoured, sugary drinks to quench their thirst. These types of drinks do hit the spot but the additives they contain do not necessarily support a healthy diet. Furthermore, if the drinks have high levels of caffeine this will further dehydrate the body, thus defeating the purpose. One way to make water more appealing is to naturally flavour it with fruits and herbs. Infused water, as this method of flavouring water is called, has become somewhat of a trend these days, one which is actually good to adopt. Infusion makes the water taste more flavourful while increasing our intake of the vitamins that have transferred into it from the fruits or herbs used. Here is a basic recipe for creating infused water: 1.5 litres water ½ lemon (sliced) 4-5 mint leaves P