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Where is the Mathematics?
The sorting experience may easily be
extended by adding some tweezers
and sorting bowls.
Children will be learning about:
• Geometric Pattern (reasoning)
• Number Patterns (early algebra)
They will be developing mathematical
language such as: copy, continue,
colour words, shape words, object
words, direction, position, sequence,
For those children who want to extend
the experience, alternative patterns
may be introduced.
Clapping Patterns
Many children respond to various
clapping patterns as part of the
attention. These patterns may be
extended, by including sounds other
than clapping, such as clicking or by
the addition of actions.
Non-Linear Patterns
Fabric patterns often radiate out from
a point. Time often follows pattern
such as daytime follows night time.
Seasons come and go. Life itself is a
cycle. As children play with pattern
blocks they often form symmetrical
patterns without really thinking about
what they are doing. Symmetrical
patterns are aesthetically pleasing.
Simple Sorting
Children will need to sort the various
pieces according to a single criterion
such as colour, size or shape.
The ultimate piece of mathematical
equipment f