This concept of independent
learning also introduced
the idea of the ‘third
teacher’, which is seen as
the learning environment,
where children explore and
investigate, following their
own interests and engage in
activities they like, that can
be supported by the teacher,
building investigative skills,
collaborative working, use of
new resources, and giving the
child a sense of achievement.
their own style and ideas. The use of
zones, for reading, messy play, rest, art
and craft, etc, is also seen as a useful
way to create engaging environments
that support these individual activities,
and put the children in a relaxed and
engaged mood.
This session also featured ‘self-
directed learning’ as an important
factor in encouraging children
to learn – give them the space
and the facilities to learn, with
some professional direction and
encouragement, but not necessarily
firm instructions – encourage them
to explore and investigate
This type of learning requires a
areas to experiment and play,
teacher, and the safety to allow
their natural inquisitive nature to
guide them.
During the break, all participants were
keen to try the branded cup-cakes
Following completion of the course, all
delegates received a signed certificate
from Quest, which qualifies as part of
their official ongoing training.
More sessions are planned for the
future, and these will be publicised
by email, and through contact with