Inside the Staffroom
Help! I am a technophobe
By Chassie Selouane
s educators, we are constantly
reminded that we should be
focused on developing, in our
students, the 21st century Skills
that are needed for them to succeed in
this era.. It is important to remember
that our students are digital natives (an
individual born with technology in their
life). Today, students are practically
born with a smart phone or tablet
computer in their hand. Catering to the
learning needs of digital natives can be
quite a huge responsibility, and it can
be especially scary if you are a digital
immigrant (someone who has had
technology migrated into their life),
which is the case for a large number
of teachers currently in practice. Here
are a few tips on how to stop your
technophobia and seamlessly integrate
technology into your classroom.
Tip 1: Start small with just one or
two key applications. Being a digital
immigrant doesn’t mean that you are
incapable of becoming digitally fluent.
Just like with any new skill, it takes
practice. Using technology isn’t always
easy, and digital immigrants often have
to learn as they go. We should try to
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introduce new concepts one step at a
time approach integrating technology
into our lives. Focus on mastering one
or two applications and then move on
to others.
Tip 2: We all make mistakes.
Remembering this is the most
important thing when trying to
overcome your fear of integrating
technology. Don’t be afraid to make
a mistake, and if you do, use it as a
teachable moment for your students.
Students learn by example and when
we are brave enough to admit tha