Sharing Good Practice
site editors. They became conductors,
orchestrating the project and allowing
for work with specific groups to be
done in more depth. They buzzed
from team to team, providing peer
support and suggesting edits and
improvements. The rules were set
from the start that any new content on
the site needed clearance from one of
the editors and editorial release forms
were provided for ‘staff’ to complete
and submit to the editor’s in-tray for
Ameerah Kerr (with the clipboard) conducts an appraisal
with (L) Shuruthii Chandrasega and Lucy Wright (R).
cohort in Year 4 as the familiarity with
this similar interface bred confidence.
I didn’t explain the full extent of the
project just yet (suspense can be a
powerful thing). I did explain that
they would each be assigned specific
roles within the team and that their
performance in this session would
determine the role they were given.
SESSION 2: Welcome to the
The second lesson began with two
major hooks:
Firstly, they found out that the website
project was in fact a competition
between the classes. The winner
would be determined by tracking the
number of hits that the site got. Free
Stat Counter widget was used to track
this data. It should be highlighted that
it was made very clear to t