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Vox Pop
to develop strong study skills?
Helen Bastable
Mark Donovan
Louise Hodge
Teacher of English
Teacher of English
Teacher of English
Create ‘phantom’ deadlines.
Bringing deadlines forward and
working to meet them as if they
are real can be an effective way
of managing your time as well as
providing a safety net at crunch
times!. "
Studying English and English
literature helps us understand the
world, ourselves and others. Literature
helps to prepare us for life; critical
reading, self-expression, empathy,
understanding and analytical skills
are all essential skills. If you can see
the relevance of what you study
everything becomes much easier. "
" My study tip is “fail to plan, plan to
Trudi Drake
Graham Roberts
Patrick Flower
Teacher of History
Teacher of Design &
Teacher of Maths
" Make your time work for you – be
" Practice, practice, practice. "
efficient. It might sound obvious but
an hour of fruitful, focused study is far
more beneficial than two hours of
paper shuffling and procrastinating.
It leaves you more time to relax and
recharge your batteries for more
efficient studying later. "
As a designer setting out to solve
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