Featured Teacher
he rapid pace at which
technology has grown over the
past few years has left many
educators fumbling to keep
pace with the rapid advancements
and the growing call for them to use
more technology in the delivery of their
lessons. Steve Bambury, however, is
not one of those teachers. He is not the
kind of educator who likes to sit on the
side-lines. He is a seeker of knowledge
and an innovator, whose passion for
technology has driven him to become
one of the best information and
communications technology teachers
in the UAE.
Mr Bambury hails from Essex,
England. His work in the field of
education, especially the integration
of technology in the teaching and
learning process is well documented.
He has had a documentary done on his
work by Channel Four in the UK, which
showcased the work he did using film
with his students. He has also had BBC
do a spotlight on him. Even though he
has shifted focus to technology, he
still uses his background in film to the
benefit of his school and students. Last
year he took a team of Year 6 students
to the first Children’s International Film
Festival where they won awards in four
of the five categories they contested in.
He has been an educator for almost
thirteen years, seven of which he has
spent at JESS Jumeirah School in
Dubai. After a few years of teaching in
England, he was ready for a change
of pace and scenery. The beginning of
a new and amazing chapter in his life
brought him to JESS Jumeirah.
Who inspires you most?
There are a lot of people at this school
that inspire me. In my position as
Curriculum Innovation Leader and
Head of Computing, I find myself in
and out of every year group, where I
get to see brilliant innovators at work
every day. I am lucky that I get to work
at such an amazing school where we
have such a strong staff. In terms of
the use of technology, Tony Vincent
who runs Learning In Hand in the
U.S. inspires me. A good friend of
mine Sabba Quidwai who works at the
Nov - Dec 2014
Class Time