Teach Middle East Magazine Apr-Jun 2022 Issue 3 Volume 9 | Page 53

Finance actual values ? Are you just keeping up appearances ? These are fundamental questions to ask yourself . You may say you value financial freedom but are your spending habits reflecting that , or are they reflecting something else ? Someone who loves financial independence would be working hard on savings and investments . That person would not be taking costly holidays , buying clothes they do not need , eating out a lot , etc . Where your money goes , there your values are . To develop a resilient money mindset , how you spend your money needs to line up with your true values . Don ’ t just wish for it ; work for it .
Question everything
Question everything society tells you , everything people tell you and even the things you tell yourself ( more on that later ). I am no conspiracy theorist , but I believe that the media and society , in general , are designed to mess with your money mindset and make you weak instead of resilient . The media is constantly pushing an agenda . It is always telling you that you are less than , if you do not own this car or house , phone , jewellery - you get my drift . Every time you are being sold the latest this or that , take time to question why they want you to buy it . What is the seller ’ s motivation , and what do they stand to gain ? Never be suckered into making decisions based on what other people are pushing or according to somebody else ' s agenda . Take time to check in with yourself before you make any buying decisions . Trust your gut . Trusting your gut and questioning everything is a great way to strengthen your money mindset .
What is the money story that you are telling yourself ?
We are all living our lives based on the stories we tell ourselves . The good news is that we can start telling ourselves a new story any time we want to . Do you want to develop a resilient money mindset ? Start questioning the stories you tell yourself .
I am a huge fan of technological gadgets . I am always tempted to spend a lot of money on the latest phone or computer gadget . It usually starts like this . If I buy the newest iPhone , etc ., I will have a better camera and then use it to take better photos for my business . When I question the story I am telling myself , I realise that I have not been taking many pictures with the phone I already have . The phone I already have takes pretty decent photos , and I have underused it .
One of the most incredible things you can do for your money and your life is to start questioning the stories that you tell yourself . Do you really need another pair of jeans , or are the ones you already have enough ? Do you really not have anything to wear to that event , or are you just not looking carefully at what is already in your wardrobe ? Do you need to travel to another country for some relaxation , or could you do that at home , on an affordable staycation ?
We also tell ourselves stories about other people . We look at people ’ s highlight reels on social media and tell ourselves stories about their lives , that
After the Bell Term 3 Apr - Jun 2022 53