Teach Middle East Magazine Apr-Jun 2022 Issue 3 Volume 9 | Page 34

Sharing Good Practice


BY : ABIGAIL ALEXIS-OLUBUYIDE social and emotional development . There are several ways to get to know your learners more in-depth . At Wesgreen International School , some of the methods we use include :

The 21st-century mainstream classroom should be an inclusive environment where learners from every walk of life feel accepted and are expected to thrive .

In the cross-cultural , high mobility world that we now live in , it is a necessity that each teacher is adept in the best strategies to ;
a ) support each learner ’ s language acquisition – the medium through which the curriculum is taught
b ) increase their learner ’ s feelings of self-worth and self-confidence .
From my experience as an educator , these two goals must work in tandem together to give our learners the best chance of academic and personal success . I often tell my leadership team , ‘ Learners must Maslow before they can Bloom !’ and what I mean by this is that the school environment must be a safe and welcoming place where learners ’ needs are met and where they feel like they belong . Once this is in place , the soil of their hearts and minds is prepared for the seeds of learning .
Working within a highly transient society means that the mobility seen in the job market is mirrored within the schools as families move in and out of the country for new opportunities and experiences . This brings a new dynamic to teaching as educators must stay ready when accommodating the varying needs that enter through their classroom doors .
Through the pandemic , Wesgreen International School has had a renewed focus on enhancing the well-being of all learners and ensuring our Quality First Teaching catered to all their needs . This focus was underpinned by the notion that every teacher has learners from diverse backgrounds who have varying needs , including special educational needs and disabilities ( SEND ), English as an additional language ( EAL ), and / or are third culture kids ( TCK ).
Teachers must be mindful of these factors and how they interact together within a learner . Each child must be seen as unique , and their school experience personalised to support their academic , personal ,
5 Getting to know each other through class activities , i . e ., Getting to Know You Bingo or Two Truths and a Lie Icebreaker .
5 Pupil Attitudes to Self and School ( PASS ) is a psychometric assessment used to identify attitudinal or emotional issues in learners .
5 The Leuven scale is a 5-point scale that measures a learner ’ s emotional well-being and involvement within early years settings .
5 Pastoral Parent Teacher Meeting where the focus is on knowing more about the learner ’ s home life , previous school history and key , relevant experiences .
5 Ongoing observation of the learner during lesson time and playtime , making notes of their likes , dislikes , and topics and activities that engaged or disengaged them .
5 One to one or small group conversations with learners .
5 Analysis and triangulation of academic data including end of unit assessments , standardised assessments , portfolios , projects , or presentations .
Once you have a well-rounded understanding of each child and their needs – academic or personal – it is essential that support plans and interventions are put in place to help strengthen any fragile area . This can be in collaboration with , but not limited to , the school ’ s counsellor , the ELL team , the learning support team , the speech and language therapist , the educational psychologist , or any other specialist support your school provides .
Once these support plans are off the ground and embedded , you will find that you start engaging with learners that you better understand and can identify with as educators . You may
34 Term 3 Apr - Jun 2022
Class Time