Teach Middle East Magazine Apr-Jun 2022 Issue 3 Volume 9 | Page 24

Sharing Good Practice


monitoring , provision of academic accommodations , and other related supports , Special Education services narrow the learning gaps between these students and their contemporaries .
The academic accommodations identified through the special education team in collaboration with the student and parent ( s ) are administered based on the assessed needs of the student . Examples of academic accommodations include ; a quiet room to lessen distractions during exams , need for one-on-one academic intervention , extended time on exercises , or various multi-media assistive devices such as braille , speech to Text , digital recorders , IPADS , or others .

The COVID-19 Pandemic further complicates the existing terrain of special education provision in academic settings . As we struggle to adjust to alterations in daily life , educators are progressively aligning services to the changing needs of learners .

The global cognizance of at least one million students dropping out of school due to the pandemic lockdowns , movement restrictions , disruption of routines , physical distancing , curtailment of social interactions , and deprivation of traditional learning methods , makes the case even more compelling ( UNESCO , 2021 ).
What are Disabilities & Special Education ?
Disabilities in the educational environment prevent learners from achieving their academic potential . First , students through assessments are recognized , then special education service provisions are made to support learning . Examples of disabilities range from physical , neurological , psychological , visual , auditory , intellectual , and others . Disabilities can be multidimensional or transient , such as pain-related or adjustment disorders , which can be stressed induced . Disabilities can impact behaviors , learning , socialization , and other aspects of the learner ' s life .
However , while a physical disability may be easy to detect , others such as psychological disorders may be silent . It is vital to understand that an emotional disorder or behavioral challenges do not translate to the student being incapable of academic success . Most disabilities can be appropriately supported when we focus on strengths rather than the weaknesses exhibited by students . After all , with assessments , the challenges can be recognized , with accommodations , then designed to support these needs . In special education , needs tend to shift to target students ' strengths and how they can be harnessed or supported to ensure academic success .
Special Education services identify students experiencing conditions that may impact their learning potentials , subsequently creating unique systems , specifically for meeting the identified needs . Then , through assessments ,
COVID-19 Pandemic : Recognizing the Need for Special Education Intervention
During the pandemic , the timely identification of new or escalating previous needs becomes even more vital to providing effective special education services .
With the inconsistencies in health measures and mandates such as social distancing , mask use , and other restrictions , the special needs population ' s impact is highly significant ( UNESCO , 2020 ). For example , learners who are inherently dependent on various cues for navigating communication , socialization , and other aspects vital to learning can be affected by mask-wearing , preventing effective communication , and increasing feelings of alienation .
Students ' behaviors in the elementary and secondary academic levels can often be misconstrued based on how they occur . An example is an autistic student having increased behavioral meltdowns due to changes in classroom arrangements resulting from social distancing rules . Or a student with a disability requiring
24 Term 3 Apr - Jun 2022
Class Time