Teach Middle East Magazine Apr-Jun 2022 Issue 3 Volume 9 | Page 16

Sharing Good Practice



There have been noticeable modifications to teaching styles throughout time . In contrast to memorization and the same old recitation technique used to educate pupils , current teaching methods have incorporated interactive teaching approaches , and the results can be witnessed .

The new teaching approach , which we refer to as the contemporary teaching method , is more activity-based and centers on the learner ' s focus , completely immersing the learner in the learning process . The learner is the major focus of curriculum instruction and planning , in the modern teaching style .
Genius Hour is a relatively recent instructional strategy that allows pupils to work for an hour each day on self-paced and self-selected tasks . This enables students to use their creativity and critical thinking abilities , as well as cultivate a real enthusiasm for studying . If you ' re searching for strategies to boost student engagement in your classroom , genius spaces could be worth keeping an eye on .
If we talk about using this approach at school level . It can be used in the classroom where topics are chosen by the students . Students create their own research questions . Students do study on several areas . Projects are created by students . Students present their efforts to the rest of the school or the community .
This approach can be used at the college level as well . Genius Hour is a simple concept that allows instructors to give students a choice in what they study and how they learn over a specific period of time throughout the college day or week . For example , allocating one class session or one hour each week by certain professors on specific topic .
Some educators might argue that there is no need for genius hour since students are already too pressured with many tasks . The answer is “ Self -Efficacy ”. The word " self-efficacy ," developed by psychologist Albert Bandura , refers to a person ' s belief in their capacity to carry out the activities necessary to meet specific performance objectives . This is the psychology of people ' s conviction in their ability to exert control over their own functioning , and events that impact their life . The foundation for motivation , well-being , and personal success may be found in one ' s feeling of self-efficacy .
Self-efficacy has been related to a variety of benefits in everyday life , including resistance to adversity and stress , good living habits , enhanced employment performance , and educational success . According to research , pupils who have a high feeling of efficacy believe they can
16 Term 3 Apr - Jun 2022
Class Time