Teach Middle East Magazine Apr-Jun 2022 Issue 3 Volume 9 | Page 15

Sharing Good Practice this process to have a foreknowledge of their students ' knowledge and skills , as well as to have developed a deep understanding of multiple texts and to consider certain points in this regard .
Interacting with a text , we must focus on a particular semiotic system as part of the process while making sense of it . Also , all semiotic systems can be part of the meaning-making process when dealing with a text . When interpreting a text , it is necessary not to focus on a single semiotic system or the same semiotic system . This helps us know when to interact with the text in a certain way .
The author of a text makes confident choices when structuring it to convey particular messages and meanings . However , in our case , the consumer of the text does so in his own way as students make sense of it . The learner takes an active role in meaningmaking rather than a passive role . Teachers need to make students realize the active role they play after selecting the text . This process can occur in a learning environment born with the proper communication between the teacher and the student . Without denying that texts will continue to change as society and technology change , it should be underlined that this is an inevitable process that will gradually take place after the pandemic .
Through the lens of learning , one of the critical prerequisites for the process is the selection of the questions . For example , we expect the student to construct meaning from the text and interpret it to understand how images presented with multimodal text interact to convey other ideas , values , and attitudes contained intertext . Therefore , it would be fitting to ask them to prepare questions in the direction of this expectation or to turn to activities that include questioning in this direction . Interaction with the text requires the student to think creatively and critically about what is being displayed and be aware of the ideas , attitudes and cultural references presented in the text . Creating commend terms that will systematically analyze and discuss texts with students will also help bring critical and creative thinking to the fore .
This awareness creates contexts where we can design activities to specialize in different language skills . Learning that takes place in these contexts is more permanent . It is impossible to deny that well and thoughtfully selected multimodal texts and correct inquiry processes can create a learning environment in which we can go beyond the communicative dimension of language .
Language teaching needs new approaches within the re-evaluation of the new age norms in all fields . Approaches should also include changing learner models and needs . This scope has expanded further with the pandemic process . The roles of the learners who construct meaning in the classroom are redefined in their journey towards the center of this process . Teachers are the ones who will define these roles correctly . Language trainers have begun to pay attention to the use of multimodal text , which is one of the essential approaches to accelerate this interaction . I assume approaches to teaching multimodal texts , which have become well established in language teaching with the pandemic period , should be reconsidered . It should be one of the most critical issues highlighted among language acquisition teachers . Language acquisition teachers need to consider that this new teaching environment that emerged with the pandemic has become essential for their learners as a part of the inquiry process and relating learned language to real life . In this regard , I believe that it is vital for teacher training institutions to step forward and take a closer look at this approach . It is thought that increasing academic studies on this subject will feed new graduate teachers ' self-efficacy on planning , choosing and even using these multimodal texts .
Assessed Curriculum . ( 2020 , 1 December ). Web site : https :// resources . ibo . org / myp / subject-group / Language-acquisition / works / myp _ 11162-413064 ? lang = en & root =
Bull , G . and Anstey , M . ( 2019 ). Elaborating Multiliteracies through Multimodal Texts : Changing Classroom Practices and Developing Teacher Pedagogies . London : Routledge .
Jewitt , C . ( Ed .). ( 2009 ). The Routledge Handbook of Multimodal Analysis . London : Routledge .
Kress , G . ( 2009 ). Multimodality : a Social Semiotic Approach to Contemporary Communication . London : Routledge .
After graduating from Dokuz Eylül University 2007 , Ahmet Uzunçinar studied Pedagogical Formation ( Faculty of Education Marmara University 2008 ). He is positioned as an I . B . D . P . English Teacher , H . O . E . D , and Co-MYP Coordinator . He is responsible for the teachers ' P . D . in his institution and a co-editor of Teaching Cycle Academic Practical Review .
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