Sharing Good Practice one-on-one support , losing interest in learning , or falling behind in academic achievements , due to the pandemicrelated skilled labor shortages preventing consistent access to this vital support .
Therefore , early identification and intervention from the special education team are critical in ensuring practical support without risking the loss of prior acquired skills or escalation in challenging behaviors .
Continuous Assessment and Monitoring
Monitoring progress and changes based on Independent Education Plans ( IEPS ), or Behavior Interventions Plans ( BIP ) are vital to this process , with options such as frequency or interval recording and anecdotal documentation being practical tools .
Being proactively attentive to the changes in students during the pandemic is a vital instrument in enhancing effective special education services . Observation , with the multidimensional use of screening instruments from diverse angles by the multi-disciplinary team and parents , allows for in-depth and continuous analysis .
As disabilities can be transient or independent to each student despite comparable diagnosis or conditions , it becomes pertinent to ensure that the specific needs of these students are supported based on the volatility of the pandemic . In addition , early detection of changes that might evolve due to inconsistencies is critical in preventing adverse outcomes that can be detrimental to learning or other aspects of the student ' s life .
Furthermore , the pressures of social distancing on students with disabilities who rely on school peers for socialization may also quickly be affected , possibly leading to frustrations , consequential behavioral outbursts , or an increase in psychological health challenges ( Keeter , 2021 ). Detriments to students or subsequent academic community can exacerbate when not adequately addressed .
As educators , the onus falls on us to fight complacency and effectively
uphold our duty to accommodate these students ' needs in the academic environment . Therefore , consistency in proactivity by ensuring that academic supports identify the pandemic ' s impact and promptly employing needed adjustments , are highly important .
Supporting Students with Disabilities During the Pandemic
1 . Review all Independent Education Plans against current student needs .
2 . Conducting pandemic needs assessment is essential to detect any new behaviors or changes at home that might impact students ' learning .
3 . Ensure that the multi-disciplinary staff ( learning support staff , other teachers of the students , peers , Counselors , or Psychologists ) understand how to support the student during diverse activities on school grounds and for parents to replicate planned processes at home for generalization .
4 . Studies have shown the impact of peer support on students with disabilities is significant ( Ogundokun & Hamel , 2020 ). Educating other students on disability awareness will ensure that they understand other people ' s uniqueness regardless of their differences .
5 . When needed , do not hesitate to call for Special Education meetings to discuss new observations and modify academic accommodations .
6 . Keep abreast of global research on special education and the latest breakthroughs that can support your students .
7 . Continuously and professionally develop the academic team on the latest research and what works .
8 . Be sure to celebrate the successes of students ' peer support and recognize staff who go above and beyond to ensure students are empowered .
9 . Research financial supports such as grants and resources available on local , federal , and global levels that can benefit your students ( I once won a $ 5000 grant from Home Depot , years back , for my classroom when I worked at a Secondary school in Texas ).
10 . Monitoring is vital to identify changes in behaviors before they escalate promptly .
11 . Use post-incident interviews to identify triggers to negative behaviors and plot patterns to detect changing needs and plan necessary modifications or alterations .
12 . Ensure there are designated spaces ( such as a sensory or quiet room ) for students to calm down or reduce distractions ( even more critical for students with Autism ).
As the ongoing pandemic can ultimately allow students ' personalized needs to be overlooked in the academic environment ( Greta , 2020 ), being proactive in special education ensures a successful academic experience regardless of the global looming health crisis . ( Greta , 2020 ).
Remember that the least restrictive environment is what literature shows as most effective in supporting people with disabilities . Through inclusion , we not only efficiently support students with special needs , but also provide a balanced understanding of differences to other students , equipping them for a future grounded on empathy and tolerance .
Greta , A . ( 2020 ). Accessibility Suffers During Pandemic . InsiderEd . https :// www . insidehighered . com / news / 2020 / 04 / 06 / remotelearning-shift-leaves-students-disabilitiesbehind
Keeter , S . ( 2021 ). Many Americans continue to experience mental health difficulties as pandemic enters second year . Pew Research Centre . https :// www . pewresearch . org / facttank / 2021 / 03 / 16 / many-americans-continueto-experience-mental-health-difficulties-aspandemic-enters-second-year /
Ogundokun , K ., & Hamel , C . ( 2020 ). Academic Accommodations for Special Education Students : A Systematic Review . 2020 , 8 ( 8 ), 524-530 . DOI : [ Yes ]. American Journal of Educational Research . https :// doi . org / 10.12691 / education-8-8-2
UNESCO . ( 2020 ). COVID-19 impact on education .
UNESCO . ( 2021 ). UNESCO COVID-19 Education Response : Reopening and Re Imagining Universities .
Kathy Ogundokun is an international educator . With a Doctorate in Education Leadership , Kathy has contributed to studies on Special Education ( peerreviewed ) and other disciplines . In Texas , USA , Kathy is a licensed School Principal , Special Education , ESL , and Elementary teacher , the UK with QTS , Canada , a licensed teacher , and the UAE , a KHDA approved School Principal .
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