Sharing Good Practice
Kids learn better by doing , than by sitting at a desk , and the best way for them to do so , is with a hands-on approach . Giving children opportunities to engage in creative and active learning will allow them to process information more effectively , gain a better understanding of concepts , and increase their knowledge and understanding of the world around them .
Why is taking risks in education important ?
Taking risks can have both positive and negative outcomes . However , the key is to be aware of both the pros and cons associated with the risks being undertaken . By carefully considering both , an educator can identify the best course of action for their particular situation . Here are some of the main opportunities and benefits of taking risks in education :
• Risk-taking helps children acquire essential skills : When children engage in risky activities , they learn to cope with failure , negotiate difficult situations , and identify and manage their own potential weaknesses and strengths . These skills help children grow into confident and effective adults .
• Risk-taking develops leadership skills : In education , as in many other areas of life , leadership is crucial to success . Successful leaders are able to identify opportunities , anticipate challenges , and bring about positive change . Risk-taking allows children to step into leadership roles , take charge of situations , and solve problems in a creative and original way .
• Risk-taking helps children develop empathy and understanding : Risktaking helps children understand and appreciate the perspectives of others and develop a sense of empathy because they are able to put themselves in other people ' s shoes .
• Risk-taking challenges children to think critically : Critical thinking is an essential skill for success in life , in school , and the workplace . The more critical thinking is challenged , the stronger it becomes .
• Risk-taking encourages creativity : One of the benefits of taking risks is that it promotes creativity . By breaking away from traditional norms , by trying new things , and by breaking old habits , educators can help children acquire fresh and original ideas .
• Risk-taking helps students understand the importance of learning from experience : Learning from experience is one of the most important benefits of risk-taking . By experimenting and trying new things , children are able to identify what works and what does not , and why . This knowledge helps them to identify and appreciate the advantages of the different options available to them .
The downsides associated with taking risks in education
• Risk of failure : By its very nature , taking risks involves a chance of failure . In order to avoid this , educators can choose safer options and cushion the risk with a Plan B in the event that the first attempt does not work out as planned .
• Over- stimulation : Risk-taking can become a dangerous trap when it is done in excess . Excessive risktaking can become a form of overstimulation and is linked to anxiety disorders , such as stage fright and generalized anxiety disorder ( GAD ).
• Social isolation : In some cases , children may become so focused on their individual goals that they lose sight of the big picture , which can lead to social isolation . By focusing solely on their studies , they may neglect to socialise with their classmates , which can have a negative impact on their education and well-being .
Risk-taking is an important part of any child ' s development and education . By exploring new challenges and taking chances , children can acquire leadership , problem-solving , and critical- thinking skills that will help them become effective and successful adults .
There are several pitfalls associated with taking risks with children ' s education , but with proper planning and knowledge of the opportunities that these risks present , educators can effectively navigate them and give their students the best possible chance at success .
Shady is a multiple award-winning and passionate Egyptian educator , working in United Arab Emirates . He is a winner of the Khalifa Award for Education Excellence , and the Middle East Education Influencer Award .
He has been selected to be a speaker in three international education conferences in the region – GESS-Dubai 2016 , 2017 , and Fatih Educational Summit in Turkey 2016 . He was also a GESS education award finalist for two years ( 2016 & 17 ). Shady is the director of innovation at Alttihad National Private School – Al Ain .
Class Time Term 3 Apr - Jun 2022 21