Sharing Good Practice exposed to writing , they will learn that braille writing has meaning and increase their vocabulary .
Here are some simple adaptations special education teachers can implement to expose their children with visual impairment to early literacy opportunities :
• Add braille labels and tactile symbols all over the classroom . Braille labels can be added to the classroom identification tactile symbol , to the calendar the child is using , to the classroom board , etc .
• Include braille words to all kinds of classroom activities and materials .
• Create multisensory story books that include tangible objects , images , print and braille , on different subjects .
• Introduce braille to every opportunity that occurs through the school day , not only during the direct instruction . For example , when making choices , when navigating the school , during break time , etc .
employment outcomes than those who have primarily used spoken word technology .
Braille is the foundation of a successful education , career and employment , full integration in society , and active
participation in community life .
Braille literacy does matter . Every child with a visual impairment has the right to be taught Braille . Teachers should give every child the opportunity to learn and thrive .
Which one would you like to go with ? Stairs or elevator ?
Which song would you like to listen to ?
• Invest time on exposing the child to any available braille tool , like the Perkins Brailler .
Daniela Gissara , MSc . in International Development . Teacher for the Visually Impaired . Manager of International Partnerships and Educational Consultant at Perkins School for the Blind .
Pinar Safak , PhD in Special Education . Associate Professor at Gazi University Gazi Education Faculty Multiple Disabilities Program .
The earlier a child learns braille , the better their chances for success in the classroom . But , Braille is also more than reading and writing . Evidence shows that students with solid Braille skills have better education and
Derya Uyar , MSc . İn Education of Children with Visual Impairments . Teacher at Mitat Enç School for Children with Visual Impairments .
Class Time Term 3 Apr - Jun 2022 19