Teach Middle East Magazine Apr-Jun 2022 Issue 3 Volume 9 | Page 14

Sharing Good Practice



Language acquisition includes factual , conceptual , procedural and metacognitive dimensions of knowledge . As the students ' knowledge and understanding develop , they learn the language , learn through language , and learn about language . This multidimensional learning process is closely affected by the rapid change in technology and increasing population diversity . The area we want to delve deeper into with this article is the development of multiple literacy and multimodal texts and their effects on language teaching . As students and teachers have access to a wide variety of texts that expand and change in school and other sociocultural contexts , learners interact with these texts from the simple to the more complex . The potential to engage them in different ways increases . For language learning , it is necessary to build a common language with these texts , and students need to use this language while engaging with these multimodal texts .

Language acquisition teachers should design their lessons to engage them in a collaborative inquiry into these critical understandings to help them identify the purpose of a particular text before using it for teaching and learning . This process should be developed as a key to connecting teachers with multimodal texts that can be used to interact with students .
Introduction dimensional , and others , depending on the domain of representation ) in different contexts , and on developing means that show how these are organized to make meaning . ( Jewitt , C . ( ed .) ( 2009 )
Multimodality is the application of multiple literacies in a single medium or multimodal text , which aims to increase the quality of teaching by matching the content presented with the student ' s best learning style .
Multimodal Texts in ESL Classrooms
Language acquisition teachers must be prepared to challenge these essential understandings collaboratively to help them determine the purpose of a particular text before using it for teaching and learning . It should not be forgotten that the author of a text structures it in a certain way to convey specific meanings . Teachers
A multimodality is an interdisciplinary approach that understands communication and representation as more than just language . It assumes that representation and communication always draw on a multiplicity of modes , all of which contribute to meaning . It focuses on analyzing and describing the full repertoire of meaning-making resources that people use ( visual , spoken , gestural , written , threemay need to prepare students to question the processes involved in constructing meaning in any text . This inquiry process can develop among all stakeholders in the classroom , or it can be enhanced by asking key questions to connect with multimodal texts that can be used in discussions among students themselves . This use of dialogic speech enhances teaching and learning with multiliteracy and multimodality .
The World of language learning has always been multimodal . All teachers know that many texts applied in a language classroom have different dimensions . Therefore , it is salient to understand this approach to use the right instrument with a certain awareness and knowing the student ' s needs . Analyzing the multimodal resource before using it makes it apt for teaching and learning , and informs whether students have the appropriate knowledge and skills to use it effectively . It will help teachers in
14 Term 3 Apr - Jun 2022
Class Time