Teach Middle East Magazine Apr-Jun 2021 Issue 3 Volume 8 | Page 33

Sharing Good Practice
are more suited for arts subjects . Due to this perception , girls have been unfairly underrepresented in these fields . For instance , only a quarter of the American STEAM labor / employees are women .
Further information shows that women account for only 15 % of the employees in the engineering field and 25 % in the mathematical and computer science fields . As of 2016 , women made up to 27 % of STEAM employees . There are several factors responsible for the small number of females in STEAM-related fields . One of the major reasons is the absence of practical experiences . Some women who develop an interest in joining the STEAM fields are held back by the lack of practical experiences . Several statistics show that many women are still treated as second class citizens in various countries . It is imperative to ensure that there is equality between both genders , and lack of bias for men when it comes to opportunities .
Equality can be achieved if more women are educated . It is therefore vital to focus on getting more women into STEAM . Thereby giving them the chance to clearly understand everyday science as they fulfill their chosen careers .
The Steady Increase of Women with STEAM Degrees
While the involvement of women in STEAM-related fields is slow , in recent years more women are enrolling in STEAM courses as the gender inequality in the curriculums dissipates steadily . The advent of contemporary mentalities and modern ages is slowly reducing the disparity between men and women STEAM workers . Information from various sources shows that more women are opting for STEAM-related courses in college . There has been a substantial growth in the number of women with STEAM degrees across the globe . These numbers are undoubtedly expected to witness geometric growth in the coming years as more women opt for STEAM-related courses . Irrespective of this recent rise in the percentage of women with STEAM degrees , the disparity between both genders is still quite obvious due to the number of men that are also enrolling in STEAM courses . In other words , the number of men joining STEAM occupations is causing a strain on the number of women successfully joining STEAM occupations every year . Thus , we have to continue encouraging more women to join STEAM occupations as the percentage of females in STEAMrelated fields currently stands at a dismal 24 %, despite the increasing number of female STEAM graduates .
Importance of an inclusive STEAM
5 To remove gender stereotypes . Women can reach the same heights as men when given the chance because they have proven to be intellectually strong .
5 Women can also be employed in high paying jobs if they have the chance to properly understand the STEAM ideas and concepts . So , it is time to empower women and give them the chance to achieve financial stability .
5 Women ought to contribute in all spheres of life and become proper role models for the younger generations .
5 It is time to bring women up to the same level as their male counterparts .
5 Finally , it is vital to educate kids right from scratch in bids to create a wonderful future for all humanity .
In different parts of the globe , policymakers and educators are facing an arduous task when it comes to girls ’ involvement in the STEAM movement . It is time to take a step to encourage more women to join STEAM in order to unlock the untapped potentials of girls and women across the world .
Shady is a multiple award-winning and passionate Egyptian educator , working in the United Arab Emirates . He is a winner of the Khalifa Award for Education Excellence , and the Middle East Education Influencer Award .
He has been selected to be a speaker in three international education conferences in the region – GESS-Dubai 2016 , 2017 , and Fatih Educational Summit in Turkey 2016 . He was also a GESS education award finalist for two years ( 2016 & 17 ). Shady is the director of innovation at Alttihad National Private School – Al Ain .
Class Time Term 3 Apr - Jun 2021 33