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Struggling with EdTech ?
What happens , though , if you are one of the teachers who has seen their colleagues making great strides with EdTech and you feel left behind ? The use of technology doesn ’ t require a special talent ; it ’ s simply a process of building skills upon skills . Think of it this way : long ago , people changed channels on the TV by pressing dedicated buttons on the set . Then we learned to use the remote control and then later hook up and use a video recorder , then a DVD player – and now we ’ re streaming films and interacting with TV-related content . The accumulation of skills over time has led to us all being extremely comfortable with this kind of technology .
To help you reach this point with EdTech , there are three lines of approach :
1 ) Preparing by yourself
We ’ ve all heard the common-sense advice to “ use the right tools for the job ”, and this applies to building your EdTech skills in the classroom . Practising on the actual device , you will be using to teach with makes sense and will eliminate the additional worry of having to lead a class when using unfamiliar technology . Introducing one new tech feature into your teaching at a time and not trying to do too much at once will keep your head clear and your tech fears manageable – and when it all goes well , it ’ s a foundation that you can build upon , practically and psychologically . Going over things by yourself will also go a long way to alleviating the fear of doing something wrong , as this is a time when you can make mistakes – and learn how to fix them – without the pressure of being in front of your students .
2 ) Working with colleagues
to grips with . And if you are a ‘ tech champion ’ yourself , you can help others become more confident not just by disseminating knowledge but also by celebrating their successes .
Another useful way to keep abreast of EdTech trends and tips for the classroom is to cultivate an EdTech personal learning network on social media . Here , you ’ ll see discussions , questions being answered , and tips being shared . It ’ s a great way to stay up to date with how different solutions are applied to teaching and learning , and it will keep your knowledge current .
3 ) Gaining support from senior leaders
Schools are likely to have a digital plan or strategy in place with aspirations for how their staff will use technology for better student engagement , communication , efficiency and so on , right across the board . You are a vital part of this . Helping the school achieve its vision for technology integration is something all staff will work towards together . So , if you have training needs , then share them with your leaders . You may not be the only one . This way , the school will be aware of the additional measures they need to put in place to ensure their EdTech goals are achievable .
The use of technology in schools is vital to help students prepare for an increasingly digital world , and the pandemic has turbocharged this notion , with vastly increased EdTech use all around . However , if teaching with technology is still daunting to you , then please be assured that it ’ s not an exclusive club of power users ; with your own dedication and the support of your peers and your leadership team , everything is possible .
In any workplace , if there ’ s a person who has a particular skill or is good at something , then the word gets around . You ’ ll know who the technology champions in your school are , as well as the teachers who do a great job of using it in their lessons . Don ’ t be afraid to ask for their advice or tips on the solutions you are getting
Al Kingsley is group managing director of NetSupport . Additional roles include being chair of a multi academy trust in the UK and chair of a city ’ s Governor Leadership Group
Class Time Term 3 Apr - Jun 2021 31