Teach Middle East Magazine Apr-Jun 2021 Issue 3 Volume 8 | Page 15

Sharing Good Practice
recognise the behaviour is harmful and not seek help . This makes it difficult to intervene . Teaching healthy respectful friendships is key in introducing positive and negative physical touch , respect , empathy , choice , privacy and consent .
Whether we are covering playground duty , a class , after school club , counselling or providing first aid we must be vigilant in how we interact with children . Who is sitting next to who ? In class ? On the mini bus ? In assembly ? Is there a sense of awkwardness within the group ? What are the group dynamics ? empowered in knowing how to tell a trusted person they feel will listen and believe them .
Children should also be taught about empathy and how their own behaviour may offend and harm others around them . This is important in creating an environment where children can raise a concern and challenge others about their behaviours . They may not be aware that their behaviour is upsetting another and will need correction and challenging in a supportive way so they can learn how it makes others feel and know not to repeat this .
They are responsible for their own behaviours and partnership work with the school and family is important in creating a proactive approach to safeguarding children and giving them a voice to express their feelings .
Creating a ‘ bystander ’ model is key in reporting and deterring a person who is carrying out harmful behaviour . Children are taught about the ‘ TAG ’ approach ‘ Tell them they are upsetting and harming you ’, ‘ Ask them to stop ’ and ‘ Get help ’. RAG is a similar model but we ‘ Recognise another person is being hurt ’, ask the person if they are OK ? And , encourage the person to stop and ask for help . In these situations we never put ourselves at risk when asking the person to stop .
Teacher support and advice
We must recognise the person causing the harm often has power over the person they intend to or is already harming . The power status is often created in the group the child is in with the other child . Children naturally belong to various groups for example , classes , friendship groups , year groups etc and every group has a leader , bystander and followers .
Teachers and school staff must be more vigilant when interacting , observing , teaching and working directly with children and young people . Often the person being harmed behaves in a way that indicates they do not want to be in the same space as the other person in their group . They may present as quiet , less vocal , distant , behavioural challenges or attention needing .
The child ’ s character would be different to their previous character . The person often pursues them including in the online world and may send online requests or comments . The child being harmed may not
Being the adult and member of staff is welcoming to the person who is powerless because your presence will deter the perpetrator causing harm and offer an opportunity for a child who wants help .
Well-being of children
The welfare of the child is paramount and we must encourage children and young people to express their thoughts and feelings . Children can start puberty as young as eight years old , so we need to have a conversation and guide them through these challenging times .
There will be times when they will be unable to manage their feelings and have sad times balanced with happier ones . Their body and emotions will constantly change and they will need reassurance from trusted people known to them . Children can access online platforms and communicate online , so it ’ s important they get the advice and support from trusted people in their lives .
Resources www . e2epublishing . info www . nspcc . co . uk www . protectyoungeyes . com
Ann Marie is an international safeguarding consultant . A qualified child protection social worker with over two decades of management experience . An affiliated consultant with COIS and BSME . Ann Marie frequently delivers workshops and keynotes at International conferences , over the last few years delivers training and keynotes in Dubai , Singapore , Jamaica , Japan and Armenia .
Class Time Term 3 Apr - Jun 2021 15