TEAC16 Report
Social and Side Events
Social and side events included telecentre visits organised by Digipolis, our host in Ghent, social networking dinner with
Internet Quiz, Awards Ceremony and reception, guided boat tour of the historical Ghent. There was also a visit to the
Ghent Digital Fair also organized by Digipolis, where delegates could try their hand at flying a drone, get immersed in
Virtual Reality or learn more about 3D Printing.
The conference was an inspiring event and presented a
unique opportunity for the European digital inclusion sector
to share achievements and exchange ideas with policy
makers, academics, young people, digital skills trainers and
private companies.
Telecentre Europe would like to thank the city of Ghent,
Digipolis, our sponsors Cisco Systems and Liberty Global,
speakers, session moderators, workshop leaders and
delegates for such a successful event!
The feedback was mostly very positive. A total of 95% of delegates rated the event overall as either excellent (52%) or
good (43%). Many delegates very much enjoyed the plenary sessions with similar very high positivity for several of the
keynote speakers. The interactive sessions were also highly rated with the How To (100% Excellent or Good) and
Lightning Talks (95%) both scoring very highly. The networking opportunities and the hotel facilities were all similarly
highly rated. There was also a question about the balance of content and in general there was a clear preference for
more interactive sessions over plenary sessions, but both scored well. There is clearly a diversity in the audience, some
of whom prefer the more practical interactive sessions, and others who prefer the more policy driven plenary sessions.
We look forward to next year’s event in Barcelona with excitement and hope!