TEAC Conference Report Oct. 2014 | Page 2
Table of Contents
Introduction and background ............................................................................ 4
Telecentre Europe is a Europe-wide network and non-for-profit association that represents public
centres (telecentres) providing people with training, certification and employment opportunities
through the use of Information and Communication Technologies. These centres play a crucial role in
the digital empowerment of individuals and communities. Our members are organisations working with
telecentres, including Public Internet Access Points, Public libraries, and Third Sector organisations such
as NGOs.
DAY 1: Digital inclusion and empowerment as means to fight social exclusion .5
Working groups: Discussing good practice in digital inclusion and
empowerment . ................................................................................................. 7
Education, Training and Certification .................................................................................. 7
Youth Employability ............................................................................................................. 8
Gender Equality ................................................................................................................... 9
Edited by: Telecentre Europe
Written by: Masha Tarle, TEAC14 Conference manager
Photographer: Danijel Borna Fiket
Layout and design: Ilona Griniute
Vulnerable Groups at Risk of Exclusion ............................................................................. 10
Rue du Méridien 30, B1210, Brussels, Belgium
[email protected]
©Telecentre-Europe AISBL 2014
First panel: Digital skills for digital jobs, EC programmes, coding in education and NGO based
initiatives ........................................................................................................................... 14
First e-Inclusion Awards .................................................................................. 11
DAY 2: eSkills and Jobs for the 21st century ..................................................... 12
Second panel: E-facilitators as multipliers of digital skills, place of libraries and telecentres
in a changing world .......................................................................................................... 15
Get Online Week 2015: Informal lunch session with campaign partners ......................... 16
Afternoon informative session: Building the capacities of e-facilitators ........................... 17
DAY 3: Media and Information literacy, TMA project and a focus on Croatia . 18
TEAC14 conference evaluation by participants ............................................. 20
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute
endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot
be held responsi le for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.