Te Toi Ahorangi Strategy Public Engagement | Page 12

HE POU ORANGA TANGATA WHENUA He Pou Oranga Tangata Whenua pr otects tangata whenua values, knowledge systems and institutions, and describes the sources of mana and pathways that lead to Toi Ora. Te Toi Ahorangi is grounded in He Pou Oranga Tangata Whenua, an indigenous worldview of health and wellbeing as determined by the iwi of Te Moana ā Toi. He Pou Oranga Tangata Whenua is reignited in this Strategy, anchoring the ecological and spiritual nature of a tangata whenua worldview at the forefront of our thinking, planning, funding and decision- making. Toi O Ngā Pou Mana o Io, the five cornerstones of He Pou Oranga Tangata Whenua - Mana Atua, Mana Tūpuna, Mana Whenua, Mana Moana and Mana Tangata - are cultural markers of our worldview, that orient us towards our ancestral teachings and knowledge systems that can support us to lead flourishing lives. Guided by our atua and tūpuna, and in ways that are in alignment with our own māramataka, rongoā, kawa and tikanga. By seeing our world through our own eyes, we are able to articulate how optimum spiritual, mental, social and physical wellbeing can be realised when we support our people to exercise their mana, allowing their mauri to flourish. mai mai i i te te r'gi r'gi ki ki te te whenu whenu from from the the sky sky to to the the earth, earth, the the eart